Communauté de communes de la Vallée du Golo

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Communauté de communes de la Vallée du Golo
Haute-Corse ( Corsica - France )
Establishment date 1st of January 2014
Dissolution date December 31, 2017
legal form Communauté de communes
Seat Morosaglia
Communities 17th
president Jean-Baptiste Tafanelli
SIREN number 200 042 430
surface 416.8 km²
Residents 3,356 (2013)
Population density 8 people / km²

The Communauté de communes de la Vallée du Golo is a former French association of communes with the legal form of a Communauté de communes in the Haute-Corse department in the Corsica region . It was founded on January 1, 2014 and comprised 17 parishes. The administrative seat was in Morosaglia .

Historical development

With effect from January 1, 2017, the community association merged

and thus formed the successor organization Communauté de communes des Quatre Territoires .

Former member parishes

  1. Aiti
  2. Asco
  3. Cambia
  4. Canavaggia
  5. Carticasi
  6. Castello di Rostino
  7. Castifao
  8. Castineta
  9. Érone
  10. Gavignano
  11. Lano
  12. Moltifao
  13. Morosaglia
  14. Rusio
  15. Saliceto
  16. San Lorenzo
  17. Valle-di-Rostino