Community of the Grand Villeneuvois

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Community of the Grand Villeneuvois
Lot-et-Garonne ( Aquitaine - France )
Establishment date 2009
Seat Casseneuil
Communities 16
president Patrick Cassany
surface km²
Residents 47,275 (2008)

The Communauté du Grand Villeneuvois is a former French association of communes ( Communauté de communes ) in the Lot-et-Garonne department and the Aquitaine region . It was founded in 2009.


In 1999 the “Communauté de communes du Villeneuvois” was founded by ten municipalities. In 2009 it was expanded to 16 municipalities by merging with the “Communauté de communes du Roquentin” (only the municipality of Sauvagnas did not join the merger; it changed to the Communauté d'agglomération d'Agen ). In this context, the enlarged association took on the name Communauté du Grand Villeneuvois with the prospect of becoming a Communauté d'agglomération (about 3000 inhabitants are missing as of 2008).

