Conimitella williamsii

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Conimitella williamsii
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae)
Genre : Conimitella
Type : Conimitella williamsii
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Conimitella williamsii
( DCEaton ) Rydb.

Conimitella williamsii is the only plant species of the genus Conimitella in the family of the Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Conimitella williamsii grows as a perennial herbaceous plant and reaches heights of 25 to 60 cm. It does not form rhizomes or stolons. The underground part of the stem has scale-shaped lower leaves. The upright, tiny, hairy stem has no leaves. The foliage leaves standing together in a basal rosette are divided into a petiole and a leaf blade. The glandular hairy leaf stalks are usually 1 to 6 cm, rarely up to 10 cm long. The 1 to 4 cm long leaf blade is circular to kidney-shaped with a heart-shaped base and pinnate. The leaf margin is composed of weak, rounded lobes and is ciliate. The leaf surface is hairy with tiny glands. There are stipules present.

Generative characteristics

In a tiny, glandular hairy, elongated, 20 to 60 cm long, racemose inflorescence , 7 to 15 flowers stand above scaly bracts on pedicels. The flowers are hermaphroditic and five-fold with double perianth . The 3 to 4 mm long, green, yellowish-green or pink-green flower cup (hypanthium) is half-grown with the ovary; the free area is 1 to 1.5 mm long. The five rounded, elongated to ovate, erect sepals are green, yellowish-green or pink-green and 1 to 1.5 mm long. The five upright, nailed, white petals are elliptical to narrow spatulate, usually 4 to 5, rarely up to 6 mm long. There is only one circle with five stamens ; they are about 0.5 mm long and do not protrude beyond the petals. The half- to three-quarters-under permanent ovary is unilocular. The placentation is parietal. The two scars sit directly on the ovary. The flowering time is in early summer.

The elliptical, two-beaked capsule fruit is 7 to 10 mm long and contains 50 to 100 seeds. The capsule fruit opens between the two short fruit beaks. The dark brown seeds are ellipsoidal, 1 to 1.4 mm long and warty or smooth.

The basic chromosome number is n = 7.


The home of Conimitella williamsii located in Alberta , Colorado , Idaho , Montana and Wyoming . Conimitella williamsii thrives in crevices, cliffs and mountain slopes and prefers open areas at altitudes between 500 and 2400 meters.


This species was first described in 1890 under the name Heuchera williamsii by Daniel Cady Eaton in Botanical Gazette , 15 (3), p. 62. In 1905, Per Axel Rydberg introduced the new genus Conimitella with this species under the name Conimitella williamsii in North American Flora , Volume 22, Part 2, p. 97 . The type locality is Belt Mountains in Montana. Other synonyms are Tellima nudicaulis Greene and Lithophragma williamsii Greene .

Conimitella is composed of the Latin word conus for cones and the generic name Mitella , this particularly refers to the flower cup. The American botanist Robert Statham Williams (1859–1945), who worked on the North American flora with a focus on bryology, is honored with the specific epithet williamsii .


Individual evidence

  1. DC Eaton: Botanical Gazette , 15 (3), 1890, p. 62 scanned at
  2. Per Axel Rydberg: North American Flora , 22 (2), 1905, p. 97 scanned at