Conrad Ernst Bartels

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Conrad Ernst Bartels (* before 1778 , † after 1798 ) was a German piece foundry administrator, bell and gun founder .

life and work

In 1778 Ernst Christian Bartels advertised in the Hanoverian advertisements as a citizen of the city of Hanover and local bell founder . According to his offer, he cast large and small church bells and manufactured "single as double fire sprinklers " for prices from 80 to 250 Reichsthalers . For his double syringe, the “internal printing mechanism, including the wind bladder, was all made of durable metal” and equipped with the associated leather snakes. In addition, he offered his services as a caster of metal and especially leaden well boots and water pipes, but also the establishment of wells with singers and valves. The production of self-jumping garden fountains with circulating water systems was also part of Bartel's offer.

Towards the end of the 18th century, according to the first address book of the city of Hanover from 1798, Conrad Ernst Bartels worked in the piece foundry "in front of the stone gate ", which is part of the old town , as a piece foundry manager, while the piece caster and chief fireman Johann Heinrich Bartels was also located at the same place .

In 1800, Gerhard von Scharnhorst , at the time Lieutenant Colonel of the Electorate of Hanover , prepared protocols in which, among other things, the metals used in the Hanoverian piece foundry were the subject of various investigations.

Famous works

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Ludwig Hoerner : Fireworks actions and bell foundry. In other words : agents, bathers and copists. Hannoversches Gewerbe-ABC 1800–1900. Ed .: Hannoversche Volksbank , Reichold, Hannover 1995, ISBN 3-930459-09-4 , pp. 136, 175 f .; here: p. 176; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. a b Mixed messages. In: Hanoverian advertisements of all kinds of things, the announcement of which is necessary and useful to the common being. From the year 1778. Hanover, 1779, Sp. 190–191 (restricted view, ).
  3. Royal. Great Britannian and Elector. Braunschweig-Lüneburg state calendar to the year 1799. Lauenburg: Berenbergsche Buchdruckerei, 1798, p. 18 ( ).
  4. ^ A b Hans Vollmer : Bartels, CE In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General lexicon of visual artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 2 : Antonio da Monza-Bassan . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1908, p. 540 ( Text Archive - Internet Archive ).
  5. ^ Hannoversches address book. 1798, p. 11; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library via the German Research Foundation
  6. Michael Sikora , Tilman Stieve (arr.): Gerhard von Scharnhorst. Private and official writings (= publications from the archives of Prussian cultural property , vol. 52), ed. by Johannes Kunisch , Volume 2: Chief of Staff and Reformer. Kurhannover 1795-1801. Böhlau, Cologne / Weimar / Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-412-16800-9 , pp. 460–461 and others; limited preview in Google Book search
  7. Robert PA Stenuit: Mendel L. Peterson Encyclopædia of Markings & Decoration on Artillery , vol. I, p. 218.
  8. ^ Notices from the KK Central Commission for Research and Conservation of Art and Historical Monuments. 1886, p. 64 (restricted view, ).
  9. Berlin Contributions to Archaeometry , Volume 1 (1976), pp. 32, 36, 38 and others; Preview over google books