DGB Bildungswerk Bayern
Non-profit educational organization of the German Federation of Trade Unions in Bavaria V. (DGB Bildungswerk Bayern) |
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purpose | Union education and adult education |
Chair: | Mattias Jena |
Establishment date: | April 24, 1974 |
Number of members: | 9 (7 unions, DGB District Bavaria, bfw) |
Seat : | Munich , Germany |
Website: | www.bildungswerk-bayern.de |
The non-profit educational organization of Bavaria of the German Trade Union Federation e. V. , or DGB Bildungswerk Bayern for short, is a non-profit registered association . It was founded in 1974 with the passing of the Adult Education and Promotion Act in Bavaria (EbFöG) and has been one of the seven state-recognized adult education providers at the Bavarian level since then .
On April 24, 1974, after several consultations by the DGB regional board of Bavaria, the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern was founded. This was followed by the formation of the DGB Bildungswerk on the federal level ( DGB Bildungswerk Bund ) in May 1972. It had the task of summarizing the regional educational work of the unions in Bavaria. Above all, this should be made possible by the organization as a provider at the state level within the framework of the working group of adult education providers in Bavaria (AGEB). In this respect, there were and are no structural ties with Düsseldorf. The minutes of the first general meeting on October 3, 1974, in which statutory and financial questions were clarified, resulted in a unanimous decision on the purpose of the association. This reads: "The association promotes the organizations and members represented in it in their common endeavor to enable employees to make independent judgments, to secure their material existence and to work in society. It promotes cooperation between various educational institutions within the meaning of the Bavarian Adult Education Act and serves the international understanding. "
Initial phase
First of all, the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern should record the various offers of the trade unions in terms of adult education and present them in a joint education program - not only in terms of public funding, but also in the interest of the trade unions to have a nationwide offer available and, if necessary, to provide support in weak educational regions to take action. During this time, special attention was paid to cultural work. For various individual trade unions, it was also the organization that was able to offer seminars in Bavaria with the option of educational leave. This was also important because there was and is no corresponding legal basis in Bavaria itself. In the further course the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern was subject to a "natural development process", in the course of which it became a service facility for the member organizations. A recurring topic was methodological and didactic questions relating to the target group of employees.
Establishment of branch offices
The methodological and didactic settings, coupled with the requirement for regional speakers, had high demands with regard to the qualifications of the honorary and full-time speakers. In this respect, their further training was a constant concern, which was satisfied, for example, in the form of a conference on education officers. In addition, the main topics of the DGB were conveyed and educational policy developments of the trade unions were reflected on. Starting with the establishment of the Pfronten branch in 1992, over the years the focus has shifted primarily to holding seminars for company interest representatives. In order to organize the increased number of seminars and conferences - especially for works councils - branch offices were set up step by step in the Bavarian administrative districts , which organized this in close cooperation with the trade unions and the DGB regions. This initially applied to almost all organizational areas, i. H. many seminars were organized and carried out on behalf of individual trade unions. As a result, the organizational structure changed significantly, which led to a new statute in 2000.
Further development
Even before Verdi was founded , the individual trade unions were increasingly organizing educational work for company interest groups through their own training centers. The foundation of verdi meant that a further not inconsiderable part of the seminars were now carried out via the structures of the verdi educational institute. In 2011, the district management of IG Metall Bayern also decided to commission the Critical Academy in Inzell to train company interest groups in their own organizational area. Due to the repeated significant organizational change and the drop in the number of participants, a new business plan was drawn up for the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern in 2011. This was followed by a correspondingly amended statute at the general meeting in September 2012.
Structure and task
As a legally independent person, the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern is an organizational unit that is independent of the DGB District of Bavaria and, above all, of the individual trade unions. This is a prerequisite for being able to hold seminars as a trade union training provider in accordance with Section 37.6 BetrVG. The tasks are formally determined by the statutes and the " Adult Education and Promotion Act " in Bavaria (EbFöG). In terms of content, the DGB Bildungswerk remains committed to the union positions in Bavaria.
Education and training of company interest representatives
The most important economic pillar of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern is the training and advanced training of company interest groups. This is offered across all industries via the central educational program. The focus is particularly on the three main areas of economy , sustainability and health protection . The offers are also aimed at non-unionized works and staff councils. In this respect, the central educational program is open to everyone. The training and further education in this area also includes congresses on topics relating to works and staff councils.
Adult education in Bavaria
In its function as a state-recognized provider of adult education, the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern is primarily responsible for promoting the offers of trade union educational work in Bavaria , but also coordinating, pedagogically accompanying and documenting ( statistics ).
Political education for employees
The adult education of the DGB Bildungswerk has the employees in Bavaria as a special target group. In this context, there are above all the offers of the DGB regions and district associations, which are aimed at the public and deal with issues from the employee's perspective.
The offers of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern are basically political educational offers . Especially in the areas of clarifying the crimes of the Nazi regime and the fight against neo-fascism, there is an offer of political education throughout Bavaria, often in cooperation with other civil society organizations. The same applies to positions on current political developments, as the DGB Bildungswerk is also committed to enlightenment and democracy education . The political adult education of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern pursues the goal of emphasizing the cultural demands of the individual employees.
Integration into the AGEB
As one of the seven state-recognized adult education providers in Bavaria, the DGB Bildungswerk is a member of the “ Working Group of Adult Education Providers in Bavaria ” ( AGEB ). In this context, there is cooperation with the educational institutions of other recognized educational institutions such as the Bavarian Adult Education Association (BVV) or the church institutions at the state level, such as the Catholic or Protestant adult education (KEB or AEEB) in questions of socio- ethical positioning.
Publicly funded projects
From 1997 to 2010, the two state-funded projects for “Preparing to catch up on the secondary school leaving certificate” were located in Passau and Deggendorf at the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern . These went back to funds from the “Offensive Future Bavaria - Labor Market Fund”, the Employment Pact Bavaria of 1996. The funds originally used by the state in the amount of 2 million DM were taken from the privatization proceeds of the Free State of Bavaria, a not inconsiderable part of which was used in various education - and innovation measures flowed. The initiation of the projects was based on an application from the adult education providers in Bavaria. The distribution to the locations took place in agreement with the AGEB and also affected the other adult education providers in Bavaria. Key qualifications were imparted with as individual support as possible.
Education program Munich
The Munich program of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern has its origins in the time after the National Socialist regime and the liberation by the American troops. Part of the Reeducation's policy was to build up a state-remote and plural educational work. In Munich , too , many denominational and independent providers of educational work have been approved over the years . As the DGB Bildungswerk München , the Munich program is linked to the structures of the DGB Region Munich and, in the original sense, is committed to trade union educational work . With the assumption of part of the financing of the open program by the cultural department of the state capital Munich, a nationwide unique opportunity was created to offer the citizens of Munich a trade union education program.
In the course of some organizational reforms on the part of the DGB, it became more difficult to ensure that the Munich program could continue. It was integrated into the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern in the 2000s. The responsibility for the content of the program remains with the Munich District Association and the Munich trade unions.
Work and life Munich
As part of the local working group Work and Life Munich, the DGB Bildungswerk München is a cooperation partner of the Munich Adult Education Center for political education with its Munich program . The working group and its program are also funded by the cultural department of the City of Munich . This is also an open educational program for all Munich residents. The program aims to address current political and social issues. But the critical examination of the National Socialist era in Munich is also central .
District tour "The other Munich"
The city tour “The Other Munich” is considered a prototype of political or alternative city tours and it was followed by specific offers of city tours and excursions, especially in the tourism sector. The brochure created for this purpose has been completely renewed in a second edition. The district tour is offered in cooperation with the local working group Work and Life Munich . In addition, a city tour “Women's Life and Women's Movement in Munich” was designed and offered according to this principle. There are also thematic city tours. Most of the lectures as part of the program take place in the Munich trade union building .
Munich sketches
With the Munich sketches , the DGB Bildungswerk München published a series of publications in 1997 on the occasion of the exhibition “Eight hours are not a day - History of the unions in Bavaria” in the Bavarian State Chancellery . Similar to a history workshop , this series was seen as a specific contribution to historical and political education within the framework of trade union educational work in Munich. Some titles from it:
- Michael Kühn: Munich Workers' Secretariat . part 1
- Günther Gerstenberg: rubble, hunger, solidarity. Trade unions in Munich from 1945 to 1950 . Volume 2
- Ingelore Pilwousek (Ed.): Our strength must lie in the united strength. Munich trade unionists talk about their lives . Volume 8
- Georg Ledig (Ed.): With all your might for success. Munich trade unionists report from their lives . Volume 9
Organizational matters
In addition to its headquarters in Munich, the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern has additional offices to support regional educational work. A substantial part of the educational work, especially the political educational work, is provided by the various DGB regions or district associations, which are honorary members, and the member unions as providers.
The association members are made up of the DGB district of Bavaria as well as the unions belonging to it and the bfw in Bavaria.
Organs of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern
The DGB Bildungswerk Bayern has the following statutory organs:
- General meeting
- Board
- Revision
Mission statement
In its guiding principle , the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern, as a joint training provider of the DGB Bayern and its member unions, is committed to an open and plural education program for employees in Bavaria. First and foremost, their ability to develop an awareness of their own interests and rights is to be promoted in order to secure legitimate participation in society through joint action.
See also
- Union education
- Political education
- Adult education
- DGB district of Bavaria
- Trade unions in Germany
- Unified union
- Minutes of the founding meeting of April 24, 1974
- Minutes of the general meeting on October 3, 1974 in Munich
- DGB press release (DGB news service) from May 17, 1972
- 1st work report for the period June 30, 1975 - December 31, 1976
- Various annual reports from the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern
- Statutes of the DGB Bildungswerk from October 11, 2000
- Statutes of the DGB Bildungswerk from September 24, 2012
- DGB Bildungswerk Munich (ed.): Munich sketches. A series of publications . 1997
- DGB Bildungswerk München (ed.): Women's life and women's movement in Munich. DGB city tour. 4th edition. 1998
- DGB Bildungswerk Munich (ed.): The other Munich. Brochure accompanying the alternative city tour of the DGB Bildungswerk München . Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-00-024180-2 .
- K. Dittrich, R. Günthner: Lehrstück November pogrom 1938. A reading book of the DGB-Jugend Bayern . A1 Verlag / Kulturstiftung der Stadtsparkasse München, 1998, ISBN 3-927743-38-0 .
- C. Finkenzeller: Munich (be) lit up. City tours as part of city tourism - using Munich as an example . Unpublished diploma thesis at the Geographic Institute of the Technical University of Munich, 1998
- G. Gerstenberg: blows, love and protests . Published by the DGB Bildungswerk München and the Archives of the Munich Labor Movement, Munich 1968, 1991
- S. Odierna: Trade union education in Bavaria . Unpublished study and inventory, 1994
- M. Schröder: Our strength must lie in our combined strength. On the history of the Bavarian Trade Union Federation . Cologne 1985, ISBN 3-7663-0875-0 .
- D. Ziehr: Trade union education work in the regions of the DGB district of Bavaria. Results of an empirical survey . Unpublished study, 2011.
Web links
- Homepage of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern
- Mission statement of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern
- Local working group for work and life in Munich
Individual evidence
- ↑ Report 1974, p. 3.
- ↑ Annual report 1994/95, foreword
- ^ The statutes of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern from September 24, 2012.
- ↑ Letter No. VIII / 8-S 1715 (1) -3/36452 of the Bavarian Ministry of Culture of April 8, 1997.
- ↑ a b Letter No. VII / 8-S1715-3 / 119 721 from AGEB
- ↑ See DGB Bildungswerk, Kreis München. 4th edition. 1998.
Notes and quotes:
- ^ "Union cultural work is one of the tasks to which the DGB Bildungswerk pays special attention". Speech effectiveness seminars were also counted as part of cultural work at this time (annual report of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern 1984/85, p. 26).
- ↑ "The method that is mainly practiced - especially in seminars lasting several days and in broad education work - is the so-called teaching talk" (Annual Report of the DGB Bildungswerk Bayern 1975/76, p. 8).
- ↑ "The effective design of such series of events (five related topics are offered each time) demand a high level of content-related and methodological-didactic qualification from the speakers" (Annual Report DGB Bildungswerk Bayern 1982/83, p. 26).
- ↑ "It was stipulated that all works and staff council training [...] will in future be carried out by the branch offices" (Annual Report 1992/93, item General Assembly).
- ↑ "The trade union-related educational facility concerned has [...] separated the area of the works constitution training according to Section 37 (6) BetrVG in terms of personnel, organization and finance in a way that excludes internal cost compensation" (From the judgment of the Munich LAG of 29 September 1997 , P. 9. No. 2 TABV 67/94).
Coordinates: 48 ° 8 ′ 15.6 ″ N , 11 ° 33 ′ 16.7 ″ E