Dachshund paralyzes

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Dachshund paralysis (also known as dachshund paralysis) is the term used to describe the symptoms of the disease caused by a herniated disc in dogs that have a genetically fixed cartilage growth disorder ( chondrodystrophy ). As the name suggests, dachshunds are often affected, but Pekingese , Scottish terriers , spaniels and miniature poodles are also susceptible to the disease. French Bulldog , English Bulldog , Boston Terrier and Pug count because of their breeding characteristics in particular to the chondrodystrophic breeds.


The disease is based on degeneration of the intervertebral discs . This consists of the peripherally located annulus fibrosus and the central disc nucleus ( nucleus pulposus ). The present chondrodystrophy leads to a transformation of the elastic, gelatinous core into cartilage-like, calcified, partially dead tissue, which is accompanied by increasing instability and fraying of the annulus fibrosus ( enchondrosis intervertebralis ). The intervertebral disc, which is barely elastic and resilient, can tear even under minor stresses or trauma : the nucleus of the intervertebral disc or the entire disc protrudes into the spinal canal . This causes bruises and damage to the nerve tissue, which in turn lead to clinical symptoms of failure of the nerve function. The disease occurs mainly in young to middle age between two and seven years and often affects the mechanically most heavily stressed part of the spine between the eleventh thoracic and third lumbar vertebrae, less often the rear lumbar spine between the fifth lumbar vertebra and sacrum and the cervical spine between the second and seventh cervical vertebrae.


The symptoms are characterized by a clear movement disorder of the animals concerned. Depending on the severity of the incident, this is due to pain in the back or to the more or less severe failure of nerve functions . In extreme cases, there is complete paralysis of the pelvic limbs with spastic paresis or flaccid paralysis . The ability to pass urine and feces is often restricted. In the event of an incident in the cervical spine, the forelegs can also be affected. If the symptoms persist for a long time, skin damage from pressure points is possible.


Together with the breed of the animal concerned, a neurological examination gives clear clues for the localization of the damage. On the other hand , taking a simple x-ray is not always helpful, as the herniated disc portions cannot usually be clearly demonstrated in the x-ray image. However, it is usually possible to contain the damage using myelography . Magnetic resonance imaging can provide final certainty about the extent of the damage .


If there is no severe damage, conservative therapy using medication ( glucocorticoids , anti-inflammatory drugs , anabolic steroids and vitamin B complex ) is possible and aims to suppress inflammatory reactions. Surgical intervention, on the other hand, aims to relieve pressure on the spinal cord, which can be done by fenestrating the intervertebral disc and removing parts of the adjacent vertebral roof ( laminectomy or hemilaminectomy ). After the operation, recovery can be accelerated through physiotherapy .

See also

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.tiho-hannover.de/kliniken-institute/institute/institut-fuer-tierzucht-und-vererbungsforschung/forschung/forschungsprojekte-hund/keilwirbel/