Daniel Haecks

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Daniel Haecks (* 1706 in Lübeck ; † September 19, 1778 ibid) was a lawyer and mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


The son of a businessman studied law at the Universities of Altdorf and Leipzig from 1723-26 . In 1726/27 he acquired his first practice at the Imperial Court of Justice and received his doctorate in 1727 at the University of Utrecht . After a tour of the Netherlands, he settled down as a lawyer in his hometown, where in 1735 he bought the house at Dr.-Julius-Leber-Straße 32 and converted it. The well-known hall column with its richly carved saddle wood, which shows a figure of Bacchus, which can still be assigned to the Baroque, dates from the time of this renovation. In 1741 he married the daughter of the lawyer Dr. iur. Heinrich Krohn and was elected to the city council in 1744. As councilor, he was involved in the settlement of the dispute over the Möllner pertinence in 1744 together with councilors Philipp Caspar Lamprecht and Johann Friedrich Carstens as the city's envoy in Hanover . In 1746 he represented the city as an envoy at the Gottorfer Hof in Schleswig to the Danish governor Friedrich Ernst von Brandenburg-Kulmbach . He got into three other marriages. In 1757 he was elected one of the mayors of the council. During the Seven Years' War (together with the city commandant Egmont von Chasôt ), especially in 1762, he was "loyal to the security of the city."



  1. ^ Emil Ferdinand Fehling : Lübeck Council Line. Lübeck 1925, No. 883.