The Himmler project

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Original title The Himmler project
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2000
length 182 minutes
Director Romuald Karmakar
script Romuald Karmakar
production Romuald Karmakar
camera Bernd Neubauer
cut Romuald Karmakar

The Himmler Project is a German experimental documentary feature film directed by Romuald Karmakar from 2000. It documents the first of Heinrich Himmler's speeches in Poznan on October 4, 1943.


On October 4, 1943, the " Reichsführer SS " Heinrich Himmler held a secret speech of more than three hours in front of almost 100 leaders (generals) of the SS in the town hall of Posen in German-occupied Poland . In Karmakar's film, the actor Manfred Zapatka reads the speech with all the slip of the tongue that Karmakar has worked out from the recording of the speech. Himmler first describes the situation for the German Reich in the fifth year of the war from his point of view. In doing so, he propagates the imminent exhaustion of Germany's war opponents; the breakup of the anti-Hitler coalition is foreseeable and a German victory is out of the question for him. The following is a representation of the internal organization and morale of the SS Himmler's entire speech text is crossed by the. NS - racial ideology , it is in particular of the inferiority of the Slavic subhumans convinced and swears his senior confidant and accomplice of the Holocaust to the necessity of the annihilation of the Jews a . Zapatka speaks the text without recognizable emotion, without costume, sitting in front of a gray wall.

The copy of the speech was used as evidence in several Nazi trials after the war.


“The radical cinematic minimalism, which renounces any form of staging, enables an oppressive look into the center of Nazi ideology. The cold core of an inhuman system has seldom been dissected so unspectacularly and at the same time so precisely. "

“Zapatka reads soberly, dryly, unmoved. No pose, no expression, no masquerade. Certainly no Nazi behavior or any mustache frills for visual armament and moral deterrence. An excellent actor gives the speech of a highly intelligent German politician who was a genocide. "


The film premiered in February 2000 at the Berlinale 2000 as part of the International Forum for Young Films. On November 3, 2001, the film was shown for the first time on public television on 3sat . Zapatka and Karmakar received the Adolf Grimme Prize in 2002 for their concept, direction and narration in the documentary category.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Himmler Project. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 1, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. a b Reinhard Mohr : The inside of the madness . In: Der Spiegel . No.  44 , 2001, p. 196-197 ( online ).