David Groneberg

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David Alexander Groneberg (born December 11, 1973 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German university professor, specialist in occupational medicine and director of the Institute for Occupational Medicine, Social Medicine and Environmental Medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.

Live and act

After graduating from high school, David Groneberg studied human medicine and philosophy at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen at the Fürst-Johann-Ludwig-Schule in Hadamar . After his practical year at the teaching hospitals of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen and the University of Cambridge in Great Britain, he worked as a visiting researcher at the National Heart and Lung Institute of the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in London, Great Britain on a DAAD scholarship . In 2000 he submitted his dissertation to the Justus Liebig University in Giessen and was awarded a "summa cum laude" doctorate. med. PhD. After his research stay in London, he worked as an intern and later as an assistant doctor or research assistant at the Charité.

From 2002 to 2003 he was junior professor for infection and immunity in pneumology at the Research Center Borstel of the Leibniz Association (formerly the Blue List Institute) and the Medical Clinic of the University of Lübeck . After returning to the Charité, he submitted his habilitation in 2003 and completed his specialist training in occupational medicine at the Charité Institute for Occupational Medicine.

In 2005 he was offered the professorship for molecular pneumology at the Hannover Medical School . In June 2007 Groneberg took over the chair for occupational medicine at the Charité and until 2010 headed the Institute for occupational medicine at the Charité as director and university professor. In October 2010 he became director of the Institute for Occupational Medicine, Social Medicine and Environmental Medicine at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Since March 2013, David Groneberg has been a member of the scientific advisory board of Enlightenment Against Tobacco eV for smoke prevention at school level by medical students. In addition to his qualification as a specialist in occupational medicine , he is also an environmental doctor , company doctor and sports doctor .

David Groneberg's research areas are primarily in the areas of experimental and clinical occupational medicine , infectious diseases , pneumology , allergology , environmental medicine and sports medicine .

Already in 2005 he pointed out the dangers of fine dust ("As with radioactivity, there doesn't seem to be a lower limit value for fine dust either."), But considers the effect of environmental zones in the first stage on fine dust pollution to be negligible. Instead, he calls for a city center ban for old diesel vehicles and more research in this area.

Groneberg was a member of the scientific advisory board of the European Research Association for Environment and Health in the Transport Sector (EUGT).

Research areas and awards

He has received a number of prizes and awards for his work. Mention should be made of the doctoral award from the Hessian Medical Association (2002) and the honorary doctorate and honorary professorship from the Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China) (2003). In 2007, the business magazine Capital called him part of a “new German scientific elite” and one of the “40 thinkers of the future”. In 2008 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Fujian College of Medicine (Dr. rer. Nat. Hc) during the Olympic Games in Beijing .


David Groneberg is or was editor of the Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, chief editor of the Zentralblatt für Arbeitsmedizin, Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie and co-editor / guest editor / member of the editorial board of the journals Ergomed, Praktische Arbeitsmedizin, Clinical and Molecular Allergy, Nutrition and Metabolism, Cough , Nutrition Journal, Current Drug Targets, and European Journal of Pharmacology.

A request to the PubMed database for medical literature in 2013 resulted in over 250 listed publications for David Groneberg.

Selection of essential papers: Scientific publications

  • with M. Nickolaus, J. Springer, F. Doring, H. Daniel and A. Fischer: Localization of the peptide transporter PEPT2 in the lung: implications for pulmonary oligopeptide uptake. In: Am J Pathol. 158 (2), 2001 Feb, pp. 707-714.
  • with P. Hartmann, QT Dinh and A. Fischer: Expression and distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor VPAC2 mRNA in human airways. In: Lab Invest. 81 (5), 2001 May, pp. 749-755.
  • with P. Welker, TC Fischer, QT Dinh, A. Grutzkau, C. Peiser, U. Wahn, BM Henz and A. Fischer: Down-regulation of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor expression in atopic dermatitis. In: J Allergy Clin Immunol. 111 (5), 2003 May, pp. 1099-1105.
  • with SM Poutanen, DE Low, H. Lode, T. Welte and P. Zabel: Treatment and vaccines for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). In: Lancet Infect Dis. 5 (3), 2005 Mar, pp. 147-155.

Book contributions

  • with KO Haustein: Tobacco addiction: Health damage from smoking. 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg 2008.
  • with T. Welte (German edition), BD Levy and SD Shapiro: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. In: M. Dietel, N. Suttorp, M. Zeitz, DL Kasper, E. Braunwald, AS Fauci, SL Hauser, DL Longo, JL Jameson (eds.): Harrison internal medicine. 16th edition. McGraw-Hill / ABW Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin 2005.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. dzl.de
  2. Gegentabak.de
  3. Dt. Medical journal . Vol. 102, issue 14, April 2005.
  4. Der Spiegel 11/2017: In the death zone . 2017.
  5. welt.de . March 11, 2005.
  6. Scientific Advisory Board of the EUGT, web.archive.org
  7. ^ A thinker of the future , press release of the Frankfurt University Hospital, February 1, 2011, accessed on October 25, 2013.