David Hoyer

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David Hoyer, painted by Johann Kupetzky around 1711

David Hoyer (* 9. August 1667 in Auerswalde ; † 27. May 1720 in Leipzig ) was a Saxon portrait painter of the Baroque .


David Hoyer was born in Auerswalde near Chemnitz in 1667 as the son of the miller Caspar Hoyer from Randeck , who owned mills in Altenhain and Waldkirchen . In July 1703, Hoyer received citizenship in Leipzig. He himself learned from the Bohemian portrait painter Johann Kupetzky . The later Danish court painter Johann Salomon Wahl was trained by Hoyer between 1705 and 1711 in Leipzig. In the address book of the city of Leipzig, Hoyer is referred to in 1713 as a Royal Polish , Elector Saxon , Royal Prussian , Elector Brandenburg and from 1715 also as a Hessian-Kassel court painter.

In 1714 he bought a corner house at today's Klostergasse 10 in Leipzig for 3,300 thalers.

His sister Susanna went down in history as the so-called Wittenberg poisoner . She poisoned her first two husbands, three children brought into the marriage by her third husband, Johann Georg Zimmermann, and a nanny. Before her execution, she is said to have confessed to having poisoned her brother David Hoyer out of greed.

Works (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Entry in the church book of Auerswalde, 1616–1733, p. 130
  2. ^ Entries in the church registers of Kleinolbersdorf 1703 and Waldkirchen 1684
  3. ^ Gustav Wustmann: From Leipzig's Past , Volume 1, p. 174, Leipzig: 1885.
  4. ^ Gustav Wustmann: From Leipzig's Past , Volume 1, p. 175, Leipzig: 1885.

Web links

Commons : David Hoyer  - collection of images, videos and audio files