Dear Future Children

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Original title Dear Future Children
Country of production Germany ,
United Kingdom ,
original language English
Publishing year 2020
Director Franz Bohm
production Ansgar Wörner,
Connor O'Hara,
Jamie Gamache,
Jennie Scott,
Johannes Schubert,
Nico Gerspacher,
Fabian Lieb
music Hannes Bieber
camera Friedemann Leis
cut Daniela Schramm Moura

Dear Future Children (German: "To the children of the future") is a documentary by the German director Franz Böhm. The German - British co-production provides insights into the lives of three young activists from Hong Kong , Uganda and Chile and examines the effects on their daily lives.

The film tells of the challenges and motivations of activism in order to recognize the various motivations of the activists and also looks at the modern organization of the protest movements.

The project accompanies activists at the protests in Hong Kong against the Beijing- related administration under Carrie Lam , the protests in Chile against the local social inequality in the country, in Uganda, at the Fridays For Future protests there and at the C40 World Mayors Summit 2019 in Copenhagen .

The project was financed mainly through a crowdfunding campaign, in which 391 supporters raised € 22,039.

Originally, the film project was known under the working title "Prayers Do Nothing" (German: "Prayers don't help anything").

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. dearfuturechildren The Crew. In: Retrieved May 3, 2020 .
  2. Swabian filmmaker on world protests: The power of moving images. In: Retrieved April 3, 2020 .
  3. "You can't pay rent from activism". In: Retrieved April 3, 2020 .
  4. Prayers Do Nothing - A film about young activists worldwide looking for financial support on Kickstarter. In: Retrieved April 8, 2020 .
  5. 'You Will Soon Feel the Same Heat We Feel Every Day.' Watch This Powerful Speech From a Young Ugandan Climate Activist. In: Retrieved April 8, 2020 .
  6. Dear Future Children - A film about young activism worldwide. In: Retrieved May 3, 2020 .