The debut

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Original title The debut
Country of production FRG , Austria
original language German
Publishing year 1977
length 89 minutes
Director Reinhard Schwabenitzky
script Gernot Wolfgruber
production Kurt Kodal , Eduard Meisel (production management)
music Heinz Leonhardsberger
camera Laszlo Nemeth, Harald Mittermüller
cut Juno Sylva Englander

The debut is a German-Austrian television film about a juvenile offender who, after serving a prison sentence, struggles to be accepted again in society.


The teenager Günter Vesely is in custody with his cellmate Fritz for a burglary. He is released after five months because his uncle has vouched for him and is taking him in. Günter gives Fritz his address so that he can contact him after his release. Günter can no longer live with his single mother because the court does not trust her to supervise him. A visit to his mother is rather cool, she reproaches him.

Uncle Franz found Günter a job in a furniture factory. The head of the company, Fuhrmann, instructs him to be good and hard-working, as the company is taking a risk with his employment. Günter is trained by his foreman, Wallner, but harassed and yelled at if he makes mistakes.

Günter's friends and his ex-girlfriend Greti avoid him. When Günter sees her in a bar with a new friend, he wants to confront her. Greti's friend and two other young men interfere and beat Günter. In order to avoid any danger of a new prison sentence, he does not fight back and allows himself to be beaten.

In the factory, Günter met his young colleague Ingrid. In the evening he invites her to a bar and tells her the story of his imprisonment: he was a bass player in a band, together they broke into a shop to steal a bass amplifier for him and were caught. Ingrid stands by him anyway.

Meanwhile, the trial against Günter's fellow prisoner Fritz took place: After taking into account his time in custody, he had to serve another three months and was transferred to another prison in a four-man cell. He is harassed by his cellmates. Through good conduct and the betrayal of an escape plan by his cellmates, he earned the privilege of working outside the prison. When he is supposed to cut down and saw trees in the forest with other inmates, he flees and makes his way to Günter. Ingrid advises Günter not to take care of Fritz any longer, as this would endanger himself. Günter hides Fritz in a garden shed and looks after him. On the way there, Günter happened to run through a street where a shop window was smashed and a camera was stolen. He recognizes the son of his boss as a suspected thief. Günter is suspected, but during the police interrogation he does not reveal the boss's son so as not to endanger his job (and that of Ingrid). He gives Fritz some money and his coat so that he can run away. But when Fritz tries to steal a moped at the train station, he is arrested again. At the police station he has to empty his pockets, but manages to make the note with Günter's address disappear so as not to put Günter in danger.

Günter's boss is very grateful that he covered his son and announced that he could soon be promoted to foreman. With this, Günter has finally gained some security again.


The film, published in 1977, is a joint production by ORF , ZDF and SRG , made by Teamfilm-Produktion Wien. The first broadcast was on May 12, 1977 on ORF. ZDF broadcast the film on December 1, 1977 in the series Das kleine Fernsehspiel . For the main actor Christoph Waltz it was the first television role.


“Reinhard Schwabenitzky paints a soulful picture of the social difficulties that someone who has been to the» Häf'n «is exposed to; The very young Christoph Waltz shines as a teenager from difficult circumstances, who [...] fights against all adversities for his chance for a better life. "

- Marlis Schmidt : short review on

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Page about The debut on The Crime Homepage , last changed on October 31, 2015