The dream of Olympia

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Original title The dream of Olympia
Publishing year 2016
Director Mira Thiel and Florian Huber
script Florian Huber
camera Stephan Burchardt
Simon Schwarz, Sandra von Ruffin, Annina Hellenthal, Gotthard Lange at the premiere on July 11, 2016 in Berlin

The Dream of Olympia - The 1936 Nazi Games is a docudrama about the 1936 Olympic Games . The first broadcast took place on July 16, 2016 at Arte . Directed by Mira Thiel and Florian Huber .


The film revolves around the Jewish high jumper Gretel Bergmann , who was temporarily excluded from participation, and the Wehrmacht officer Wolfgang Fürstner , who directed the construction of the Olympic Village .


The figure of the officer Wolfgang Fürstner often breaks through the so-called fourth wall and addresses the viewer directly, in which he breaks out of the actual plot and briefly explains his motives and feelings to the viewer.


“It is not only Simon Schwarz who has given his falling hero enough ambivalence on his way into the abyss that the recordings are not overwhelming. If Bergmann and Fürstner's fictional off-commentaries counter or even break the power of images, it is due to the experienced scriptwriter and historian Florian Huber. "

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Arno Frank: Docudrama about Olympia 1936. Start for the world war. In: Culture. Spiegel Online, July 18, 2016, accessed February 25, 2019 .