Puss in Boots (1955)

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Original title Puss in Boots
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1955
length 65 minutes
Age rating FSK 0
JMK not checked
Director Herbert B. Fredersdorf
script Christoph Schulz-Gellen
production Alfred Förster , Walter Lehndorff
music Richard Stauch
camera Ted Kornowicz

The Puss in Boots is a German fairy tale film from 1955. It is based on the Grimm fairy tale The Puss in Boots .


The legacy of the late miller is taken over by his eldest son Franz. Franz's younger brother - Heinrich - only has the cat Hinz.

Heinrich later notices that the cat (Hinz) can walk and speak on two legs. Hinz asks the miller's son to buy him a pair of boots. Then he will thank him with happiness and wealth. He gets the boots.

Puss in Boots wanders into the kingdom of King Wonnebald and his daughter Rosine. There he talks about his rich and attractive master, the "Count Carabas" (Heinrich). The king and his daughter are curious and visit the "Count".

By cunning, the cat quickly found a noble home for the miller's son Heinrich - a knight's castle - whose owner - the evil magician Saufdichvoll - was tricked by him.


The film was partly shot in Burg Castle (forecourt, knight's hall) and in front of the backdrop of Hohenscheid Castle (today: Haus Hohenscheid ) (both near Solingen , Bergisches Land ). The makeshift studio was also located at Burg Castle. The world premiere took place on September 2, 1955 in Remscheid .


The FBL awarded the film the title valuable.


The encyclopedia of fantasy films describes the film as "somewhat suitable for the work, even if totally undemanding"; the lexicon of international film as "child-friendly staged and well acted".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Puss in Boots. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed August 25, 2018 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. Dr. Alfred Bauer: German feature film Almanach. Volume 2: 1946-1955 , p. 511
  3. Puss in Boots. In: Zelluloid.de. Archived from the original on December 29, 2016 ; accessed on August 25, 2018 .
  4. Ronald M. Hahn , Volker Jansen, Norbert Stresau : Lexicon of Fantasy Films. 650 films from 1900 to 1986 . Heyne, Munich 1986, ISBN 3-453-02273-4 , p. 177.