Detlef Reinemer

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Detlef Reinemer (born September 14, 1944 in Dresden ) is a German sculptor ( sculptor ) and ceramist .

Live and act

Reinemer's sculpture Beauty and the Beast in front of the Vogelschen garden house , now part of the Hotel Bellevue , in Dresden.
Reinemer's sculpture Bacchus and Medusa in the Hoflößnitz

Reinemer, born in Dresden in 1944, completed an apprenticeship as a ceramic moulder in the Freital porcelain factory from 1959 to 1962 . From 1966 he studied in the plastic section at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts with Walter Arnold , Gerd Jaeger and Herbert Naumann . An aspiration followed there from 1971 to 1972.

From 1972 to 1981 Reinemer worked as a freelance sculptor in Jena . In 1981 he received a teaching position from Herbert Naumann at the University of Fine Arts in Dresden, which was also followed by a senior assistant position at Naumann. From 1983 Reinemer was the head of the ceramics department in the plastic section, from 1988 he received a lectureship and from 1992 Reinemer became professor for plastic at the Dresden University of Fine Arts. In 1984 he took part in the 4th International Ceramic Symposium in Römhild. In 2009 he retired with the personal exhibition “desiderio di morte” at the Dresden Art Academy .

Reinemer lives and works in Dresden and Radebeul-Oberlößnitz . He is married to his artist colleague Gabriele Reinemer .


In 1999 Reinemer was awarded the art prize of the large district town of Radebeul .

Web links

Commons : Detlef Reinemer  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Uwe Salzbrenner: Against fear and death. The sculptor Detlef Reinemer says goodbye to his teaching post at the Dresden University of Fine Arts . In: Sächsische Zeitung , 14./15. November 2009, p. 11.