Detlev Poguntke

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Detlev Poguntke (born January 23, 1945 in Merschwitz , Silesia , today part of Prochowice , Poland ) is a German mathematician .


After graduating from the Artland High School in Quakenbrück in 1964 , he studied mathematics and physics at the Free University of Berlin on a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation . After graduating in 1968, he was a doctoral scholar of the German National Academic Foundation and worked as a research assistant at the Mathematical Institute of the Free University . With the dissertation "About compact groups" (supervisors Horst Herrlich and Karl Peter Grotemeyer ), Poguntke received his doctorate rerum naturalium from the Mathematical Faculty of the Free University in 1969 and was then appointed scientific assistant .

In 1970 he followed Grotemeyer to the mathematical faculty of the newly founded University of Bielefeld , where he wrote his habilitation thesis as a research assistant . After completing his habilitation, Poguntke was initially appointed senior scientific assistant, turned down an offer from the University of Paderborn and then at the age of 29 was offered a chair for mathematics, especially analysis , at the Faculty of Mathematics at Bielefeld University. He has been researching and teaching at the university since 1975 . In 1986 he was visiting professor for one semester at Yale University in New Haven (Connecticut / USA). In addition, he traveled to numerous lectures and research stays in other European and non-European countries. a. for a longer period as a JSPS fellow in Japan and Australia. Poguntke has also been a reviewer, examiner and chairman of the selection committee at the federal mathematics competition for many years . After his retirement in 2011, he was a lecturer at Bielefeld University until 2013 .


Poguntke is an expert in the field of Lie groups and is co-editor of a relevant specialist journal ( Journal of Lie Theory ). He has published numerous articles in this field and on general analysis . He developed and proved u. a. the Poguntke theorem . In addition, he regularly works as a reviewer for various specialist journals.

He is particularly concerned with the representation and structure theory of Liescher groups, the relationship between Laplace's operators and Liescher groups, as well as the ideal theory in convolutional algebras of Liescher groups.

Poguntke is u. a. Member of the German Mathematicians Association and the American Mathematical Society .


  • Kürschner's German Scholar's Calendar

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