The terranauts

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The Terranauten is a German series of science fiction - Issue novels , by W. Rolf Liersch and Thomas RP Mielke designed and Bastei between 30 October 1979 and 21 December was issued with 99 spending as a pulp novel series 1,981th During this period, alongside Perry Rhodan , Atlan and TERRA ASTRA, it was the only weekly science fiction magazine series on the German market that was otherwise dominated by magazine series of the horror genre. From 1981 to 1987 the series was continued with 18 paperback editions. From 2009 appears under the direction of Manfred H. Rückert in Mohlberg-Verlag are combined - with slight revisions - a new edition in book form, in which three dime novel in one volume.


The concept of the series was to tell the story of the struggle against the destruction of the earth. The protagonists advocate a more humane future. The inventors Mielke / Liersch wanted to differentiate the series from the successful Perry Rhodan series, as Mielke wrote to Bastei Verlag in 1977 to generate an "anti-Perry Rhodan story". At first the plan seemed to have worked, but the decline in sales with increasing numbers finally caused the series to be discontinued.

The contents of individual novels can be viewed as socially and socially critical. Climate change and globalization were extrapolated in a remarkable way by the authors and today find parallels in reality. In the behavior of the protagonists, the conceptors attached great importance to the fact that no “leather neck ideology” spreads. Their goal was to "write committed SF".


The plot of the Terranaut series begins in 2499. The nation-states have perished. Corporations have taken power since the 21st century. All corporations are united in the council. On earth there is a strict caste system that ranges from the Summacum (upper class) to Manags, Arbiter, humos with useful minimum wages, to the Nonames who are provided for for life.

The Council of Corporations maintains the Gray Guards as an army of order. The army is privately owned by the Great Grays, the military supreme command is incumbent on the council chairman, who also bears the title "Lord Colonel". The guardsmen are absolutely obedient receiving orders through brain surgery.

Interstellar space travel is in the hands of a group of people called drivers. The parapsychologically gifted drivers enable faster-than-light space travel in space II through PSI forces and through the mistletoe of the primordial tree "Yggdrasil", which is equipped with a consciousness. The management of the primeval tree and the valuable mistletoe is the responsibility of the terGorden family's biotronic group. Normally, the minimum number of 7 drivers are required for propulsion and control of a spaceship, which combine to form a lodge under a lodge master on each ship.

From around 2499 the Kaiser group, under the leadership of the council chairman Max von Valdec, tried to break the monopoly of drivers with a new technical drive. The spaceships do not glide "gently" into the other continuum through these new imperial power units, but the imperial power violently tears open space II and thereby causes dimensional tensions and breakdowns of energy into normal space. Due to the increase in disturbances in the energy structure, other (non-human) peoples become aware of the earth.

A pursuit of the drivers begins through the Gray Garden, some of them are able to flee to a planet that is located in a black hole. This planet Rorqual becomes the base of the resistance movement. David terGorden gathers these terranauts around him and delivers battles to the troops of the dictator Max von Valdec in the whole star realm.

In the further course of a civil war, the corporations are overthrown and a democratic society emerges. The council chairman can, however, carry out another coup. Through the imperial power propagated by him, he brings humanity to the brink of annihilation, since the extraterrestrial peoples fear for the stability of the cosmos and are determined to take action against the earthly star kingdom. Ultimately, David terGorden can avert the ultimate destruction of the entities - these are the most powerful intelligences in the universe - against human life and win the duel against Max von Valdec.


The team of authors consisted of both relatively unknown and very experienced German science fiction authors who all wrote the series under pseudonyms.

Track list


No. author title year
1 Robert Quint The heir to power 1979
2 Kind Norman Rebel spaceship 1979
3 Eva Christoff The Kaiser plot 1979
4th Michael Roberts Terranaut revolt 1979
5 Michael Roberts The fleet of drivers 1979
6th Eva Christoff The psi inferno 1979
7th Eva Christoff The children of Yggdrasil 1980
8th Carl Priest City of madness 1980
9 Robert Quint The belt man's hour 1980
10 Robert Quint Revolt on Luna 1980
11 Robert Quint Planet of the Lodge Masters 1980
12 Robert Quint The triumph of the lord colonel 1980
13 Erno Fischer The stranger 1980
14th Robert Quint In the realm of the winged 1980
15th Robert Quint The clan of magicians 1980
16 Conrad C. Steiner Stranded on Rorqual 1980
17th Conrad C. Steiner The pirates of the Scarlet Sea 1980
18th Conrad C. Steiner Odyssey of the Lost 1980
19th Erno Fischer Company doomsday 1980
20th Erno Fischer Comet of Annihilation 1980
21st Erno Fischer Oxide death zone 1980
22nd Robert Quint The disaster planet 1980
23 Erno Fischer The outcasts of Terra 1980
24 Robert Quint The spaceship thieves 1980
25th Robert Quint Excursion into the morning 1980
26th Robert Quint The way to Argus 1980
27 Henry Roland The transmitter tree 1980
28 Robert Quint The Psi Seekers 1980
29 Eva Christoff Invasion of Dead Souls 1980
30th Eva Christoff look in the past 1980
31 Eva Christoff The lonely one from Ultima Thule 1980
32 Erno Fischer The Exiles from Oxyd 1980
33 Michael Roberts The fight for aqua 1980
34 Michael Roberts The renegade 1980
35 Robert Quint The pirate lodge 1980
36 Robert Quint Flames over Shondyke 1980
37 Andreas Weiler Star legend 1980
38 Andreas Weiler Narda's fight 1980
39 Michael Roberts The gravity trap 1980
40 Andreas Weiler A computer goes crazy 1980
41 Andreas Weiler The green planet 1980
42 Harald Münzer The collector 1980
43 Andreas Weiler Breeding station for the super drivers 1980
44 Andreas Weiler The getaway ship 1981
45 Robert Quint A trap for Llewellyn 1981
46 Andreas Weiler The ice devil 1981
47 Andreas Weiler The epidemic of hate 1981
48 Andreas Weiler Narda and the lord colonel 1981
49 Robert Quint The computer ultimatum 1981
50 Robert Quint Threat from the stars 1981
51 Conrad C. Steiner World in chaos 1981
52 Conrad C. Steiner The odyssey of the Somasa 1981
53 Andreas Weiler The hiding place of the alien 1981
54 Robert Quint The fall of the lord colonel 1981
55 Henry Roland The wreck system 1981
56 Conrad C. Steiner The dragon witches 1981
57 Robert Quint Drive to the end of the world 1981
58 Henry Roland The heart of Rorqual 1981
59 Arno Zoller A world for Yggdrasil 1981
60 Arno Zoller Duel in solitude 1981
61 Andreas Weiler Death awaits Sarym 1981
62 Andreas Weiler The hell of Arioch 1981
63 Andreas Weiler War of the brains 1981
64 Erno Fischer Planet extinction 1981
65 Erno Fischer The Life Carriers 1981
66 Robert Quint In the light of the murderous sun 1981
67 Robert Quint The planet looters 1981
68 Robert Quint The programmed assassin 1981
69 Andreas Weiler The bio-invasion 1981
70 Andreas Weiler The green paradise 1981
71 Erno Fischer The curse of millions of years 1981
72 Andreas Weiler The legacy in the ice 1981
73 Erno Fischer Ultima Thule machines 1981
74 Erno Fischer Yggdrasil's legacy 1981
75 Henry Roland Spaceship hunt 1981
76 Andreas Weiler War the cast 1981
77 Henry Roland Target Perculion 1981
78 Robert Quint Breakthrough to Shondyke 1981
79 Robert Quint Die for Terra 1981
80 Michael Roberts The sky mountain 1981
81 Michael Roberts Driver pirate 1981
82 Michael Roberts The mistletoe syndicate 1981
83 Andreas Weiler Chaos over Sarym 1981
84 Andreas Weiler The gene parasites 1981
85 Robert Quint Valdec's return 1981
86 Robert Quint The harried one from Terra 1981
87 Andreas Weiler Maze of horror 1981
88 Andreas Weiler The exile planet 1981
89 Robert Quint The emperor of Berlin 1982
90 Andreas Weiler The ship of peace 1982
91 Erno Fischer The Genessos Marshes 1982
92 Erno Fischer The secret of the Genessaner 1982
93 Henry Roland The galactic archive 1982
94 Henry Roland The old forest 1982
95 Andreas Weiler Star city meeting point 1982
96 Andreas Weiler Planet of illusions 1982
97 Robert Quint The preemptive strike 1982
98 Robert Quint Duel of dreams 1982
99 Robert Quint The eco-shock 1982

The title identity between volume 40, “A computer plays crazy” by Andreas Weiler, and Perry Rhodan's booklet 1008, “A computer plays crazy” by Ernst Vlcek , which appeared almost at the same time , is coincidental.

When the issues were reprinted, three were combined into one volume; one of the three corresponding issue titles was chosen as the volume title:

notebooks Volume (reprint) title
01-03 01 The heir to power
04-06 02 Psi inferno
07-09 03 City of madness
10-12 04 The triumph of the lord colonel
13-15 05 Planet of the winged
16-18 06 Odyssey of the Lost
19-21 07 Oxide death zone
22-24 08 The spaceship thieves
25-27 09 Excursion into the morning
28-30 10 Invasion of Dead Souls
31-33 11 The lonely one from Ultima Thule
34-36 12 Flames over Shondyke
37-39 13 Star legend
40-42 14th The green planet
43-45 15th A trap for Llewellyn
46-48 16 The ice devil
49-51 17th Threat from the stars
52-54 18th The hiding place of the alien
55-57 19th The wreck system
58-60 20th Duel in solitude
61-63 21st War of the brains
64-66 22nd Planet extinction
67-69 23 The planet raiders
70-72 24 The legacy in the ice
73-75 25th Spaceship hunt
76-78 26th Target Perculion
79-81 27 Die for Terra
82-84 28 The gene parasites
85-87 29 The Haunted of Terra
88-90 30th The emperor of Berlin
91-93 31 The Galactic Archive
94-96 32 Planet of illusions
97-99 33 The eco-shock


The first paperback volume Sternenstaub by Rolf W. Liersch was a prequel to the contents of the magazine series, the following titles then followed the plot of the magazine series. For the reprints, two paperbacks were combined in one volume and the title of the first original volume was adopted.

No. Reprint no. TB no. author title year
000 34 28003 Rolf W. Liersch Stardust 1981
100 34 23010 Andreas Weiler The green phoenix 1982
101 35 23014 Robert Quint Planetary pattern 1982
102 35 23022 Robert Quint Time window 1983
103 36 23026 Andreas Weiler Cosmic labyrinth 1983
104 36 23030 Andreas Weiler Monument of the Titans 1984
105 37 23032 Andreas Weiler The black ruler 1984
106 37 23034 Robert Quint The gray trail 1984
107 38 23036 Erno Fischer The ship of dreams 1984
108 38 23038 Andreas Weiler The star catcher 1984
109 39 23040 Andreas Weiler Spectrum Hunt 1984
110 39 23042 Andreas Weiler The white star 1985
111 40 23044 Henry Robert The life guardians 1985
112 40 23046 Henry Robert The last manag 1985
113 41 23048 Andreas Weiler In the 176th year 1985
114 41 23051 Henry Robert The techno team 1985
115 42 23054 Andreas Weiler The organic slaves 1986
116 42 23069 Andreas Weiler The Terranaut Project 1987


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Manfred Nagl: Science Fiction: A segment of popular culture in the media and product association . Gunter Narr Verlag, 1981, ISBN 978-3-87808-925-4 , pp. 40 .
  2. ^ A b c Letter from Thomas Mielke to Bastei-Verlag from April 7, 1977: 1st page , 2nd page
  3. ^ A b Rainer Zubeil, Werner Giesa, Eva Eppers : The Terranauts. Volume 1. The Heir to Power. (Terranaut glossary in the appendix) . 1st edition. Mohlberg-Verlag, Cologne 2009, ISBN 978-3-940181-90-9 , p. 244-248 .
  4. ^ A b Hans Wolf Sommer, Eva Eppers: The Terranauts. Volume 2. The PSI Inferno. (Terranaut glossary in the appendix) . 1st edition. Mohlberg – Verlag, Cologne 2009, ISBN 978-3-940181-91-6 , p. 230-236 .
  5. The makers behind the Terranauts. In: Retrieved January 11, 2008 .