Dieter Bimberg

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Dieter Bimberg (born July 10, 1942 in Schrozberg ) is a German physicist and was a professor at the Technical University of Berlin . His main area of ​​work is nanophysics and nanophotonics .

Live and act

After studying mathematics, philosophy and physics at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, this was continued in physics at the Goethe University. There he received his doctorate in physics in 1971 at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main and worked as a research assistant and lecturer of the new kind.

Then he accepted an offer from the Max Planck Society, at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research , under the founding director Hans-Joachim Queisser , to set up the Franco-German high-field magnet laboratory at the Service National des Champs Intenses (SNCI) des Head of CNRS in Grenoble . He initiated the construction of helix and hybrid magnets and set up a group for spectroscopy and modeling of semiconductors in high magnetic fields, in which the later Nobel Prize winner Horst Störmer wrote his dissertation on quantum liquids.

In 1979 he got a call to the Institute for Semiconductor Technology of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University , where he developed the first low-temperature cathodoluminescence as a scanning and high-location-and-time-resolved nanomechanism. a. supervised the dissertation of Holger Jürgensen , the later founder of Aixtron , and turned to high-frequency photonics.

In 1981 he accepted a chair in applied physics at the Technical University of Berlin.

He first set up laboratories for the production of semiconductor nanostructures using MOCVD and their characterization of electrical and optical properties. In addition, he devoted himself to groundbreaking theoretical modeling of both the growth and the electronic and optical properties of nanostructures . The first quantum dot lasers at room temperature were manufactured there for the first time and their superior properties compared to classic semiconductor lasers were demonstrated.

The focus of work since the turn of the millennium has been used by the Center for NanoPhotonics he founded to verify the concepts he invented of nanoflash memories and energy-efficient and at the same time highly bit-rate nanophotonic components such as single q-bit emitters, mode-coupled lasers and quantum dot amplifiers (QD amplifiers), VCSELs and highly brilliant high-performance edge emitters . The environmentally friendly (energy-saving) Internet (“green Internet”) is currently at the center of his work.

From 1990 to 2011, he was the managing director of the Institute for Solid State Physics at the Technical University of Berlin. From 2004 he was the managing director of the Center for Nanophotonics.

Since April 2018 he has been heading the Bimberg Chinese-German center for green photonics in Changchun ( China ).

Visiting professorships led him to the RSRE , Gt. Malvern (England), to Hewlett Packard Labs , Palo Alto (USA), to the University of California, Santa Barbara (USA), twice to Technion Haifa (Israel) and to King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) .

He was one of the initiators of a number of spin-offs that brought part of his 25 or so patent families to commercialization and is the owner of a consulting firm.


Publications (selection)

  • with N. Kirstaedter, Nikolay N. Ledentsov a. a .: Low threshold, large T / sub o / injection laser emission from (InGa) As quantum dots , Electronics Letters, Volume 30, 1994, pp. 1416-1417
  • with M. Grundmann , O. Stier: InAs / GaAs pyramidal quantum dots - strain distribution, optical phonons, and electronic-structure , Physical Review B, Volume 52, 1995, pp. 11969-11981
  • with Vitaly A. Shchukin u. a .: Spontaneous ordering of arrays of coherent strained islands , Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 75, 1995, p. 2968
  • with M. Grundmann, Zh. Alferov et al. a .: Ultranarrow luminescence lines from single quantum dots , Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 74, 1995, p. 4043
  • with NN Ledentsov u. a .: Direct formation of vertically coupled quantum dots in Stranski-Krastanow growth , Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 54, 1996, p. 8743
  • with R. Heitz u. a .: Energy relaxation by multiphonon processes in InAs / GaAs quantum dots , Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 56, 1997, p. 10435
  • with N. Kirstaedter, ZI Alferov: InGaAs-GaAs quantum-dot lasers , IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, Volume 3, 1997, pp. 196–205
  • with M. Grundmann: Theory of random population for quantum dots , Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 55, 1997, p. 9740
  • with NN Ledentsov, ZI Alferov u. a .: Quantum dot heterostructures: fabrication, properties, lasers , Semiconductors, Volume 32, 1998, pp. 343-3365
  • with VM Ustinov u. a .: InAs / InGaAs quantum dot structures on GaAs substrates emitting at 1.3 μm , Applied Physics Letters, Volume 74, 1999, pp. 2815-2817
  • with O. Stier, M. Grundmann: Electronic and optical properties of strained quantum dots modeled by 8-band k⋅ p theory , Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 59, 1999, p. 5688
  • with VA Shchukin: Spontaneous ordering of nanostructures on crystal surfaces , Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 71, 1999, p. 1125
  • with P. Borri a. a .: Ultralong dephasing time in InGaAs quantum dots , Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 87, 2001, p. 157401
  • with M. Grundmann, NN Ledentsov: Quantum Dot Heterostructures , Wiley-VCH 2001
  • with VA Shchukin, NN Ledentsov: Epitaxy of Nanostructures , Springer 2003
  • Quantum dots for lasers, amplifiers and computing , J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 38, 2005, pp. 1-4
  • with Udo W. Pohl: Quantum dots: promises and accomplishments , Materials Today, Volume 14, p. 388, Sept. 2011
  • with Gadi Eisenstein (Ed.): Green Photonics and Electronics . Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017. ISBN 3319670018 .

A total of more than 1200 publications with over 49000 citations, Hirsch-Faktor @ 5/2017: 102 (Google Scholar).

Web links

supporting documents

  1. ^ Institute for Solid State Physics: Retired Professors
  2. ^ Bimberg Chinese-German center for green photonics
  3. ^ Dieter Bimberg Russian State Prize for Physicists , FAZ, March 31, 2003
  4. APS Fellow Archive. Retrieved February 9, 2020 .
  5. Member entry by Prof. Dr. Dieter Bimberg (with picture and CV) at the German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina , accessed on June 29, 2016.
  6. ^ TU professor Dieter Bimberg elected in Leopoldina
  7. Prize winners 2006 DPG-online, accessed on October 10, 2011
  8. IEEE PHOTONICS SOCIETY 2010 William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award Recipient: Dieter Bimberg ( Memento of the original from July 9, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. a b Newsportal: Honorary doctorate for Dieter Bimberg. In: July 27, 2015, accessed August 10, 2015 .