Dieter Pildner

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Dieter Pildner (born December 31, 1940 in Bucharest ) is a German-Italian land art artist in Pievalinghe near Montaione ( Toscana ), who was born in Romania . His original surname is: Pildner von Steinburg. On his mother's side, he comes from the old Austro-Italian nobility from Piacenza ( Lombardy ). His great-grandfather was the architect, philosopher, sexual psychologist and author Ferdinand von Fellner-Feldegg , actually Fellner Ritter von Feldegg.


Pildner left Romania in 1944, just four years old, with his parents, who were fleeing from the approaching Soviet troops. He then went to Argentina via France and did not come to Germany until 1960 as a stateless 19-year-old .

His wife Anna, with whom he acquired the Azienda Pievalinghe, which was then in ruin at the beginning of the 1960s , in order to make it habitable again through laborious work, comes from Fürth in Franconia . The first years in Pievalinghe were not easy for the “new settlers” because memories of the Second World War and the withdrawal of the German troops (1944–1945) were still very much alive with the residents. At that time the Nazis in Montaione, on their retreat, blew up a medieval city gate and inhabited farmsteads on the country road in order to delay the advance of the Allied troops.


" Pantheism as a modern phenomenon that arose in the context of monotheism is given new content here in Pievalinghe in the field of contemporary land art," explains the artist. "And that is more than the philosopher Baruch Spinoza once tried to define when he determined God as a substance and identified him with nature", because Dieter Pildner represents a trend in modern art that emerged at the end of the 1960s and landscape as Looking at design material and trying to change it. His thinking is probably pantheistic, as he says in conversation with friends, and as an artist he finds religion and belief in nature. But his intellectual role models include the poet Henri Michaux , who was also close to the Romanian-French cultural philosopher Émile Cioran . "Man struggles to bring his own order into the order of nature and wants to participate in creation", says credohaft Dieter Pildner. "Art, however, is the great refusal in this bourgeois society, but society does not accept that (...)" "Modeling these landscapes is a great passion that I live out creatively."

Like the Romanian artists Alexandru Cǎlinescu Arghira and Maxim Dumitraş , Pildner created “un nou spaƫiu contemporan dedicat landartei” (a new contemporary space dedicated to Land Art).

If you look at the latest and currently most important work by Dieter Pildner, the monumental sculpture "Inùtile", [...] you might remember the kinetic art of Jean Tinguely or the American object artist Man Ray (Emmanuel Rudnitzky), who Incidentally, it also has Eastern European roots. But Dieter Pildner, at least with this work, which is now part of his large-scale Land Art scene, is most likely to be close to the artists of the ready-made concept, starting with Marcel Duchamp , Kurt Schwitters and Meret Oppenheim to Joseph Beuys . However, Pildner's “Inùtile” is not just an “ objet trouvé ”, a “found object”, such as some works by Duchamp (such as “ Fahrrad-Rad ”), Beuys (“Bathtub”) or Robert Rauschenberg's “remains” of a “material one” World ”, but here it is, as you can see, an“ assisted ready-made ”, as it is defined in modern art. This is an everyday object that is "combined" with another object, that is, it is creatively "supported" by it.

But this definition does not quite apply to the unique work of art in Pievalinghe, because Pildner has a large, individually not transparent ensemble of everyday objects from different times and areas (paddle shovels, hand scythe, wagon wheels, spades, carpenters tools, large demijohns and much more ) united and integrated in order to make his point of view clear: what was once so necessary, so necessary and vital, has become completely meaningless today - due to developmental history and time. And now everything is rusting as a great work of art that makes the viewer thoughtful, as a silent call from times gone by slowly and quietly. [...]


"The artists. I don't think sensitive people can do otherwise: They have to be or become artists - even if they may not be intended to do so in the beginning. "

"In the case of traumatized people, the visual arts are perhaps the only alternative to murder, crime or mental confusion - in order to escape them and thereby achieve liberation, i.e. recovery ..."

“Art and artwork. If art is real, then it comes from life, from what has been experienced, and it is no coincidence that it mostly arises from a feeling of lack, an insufficiency, a trauma. In my opinion, being an artist is neither a profession nor a vocation. Being an artist is a state. Even if a work should never be created in the process [...]. "

“[…] With all the agony, the endless effort, etc., art is a grace that comes to you - the“ problem of life ”dissolves in it; suddenly everything is very simple: fear, strife, hatred, pedantry are disappearing; you float and nothing can kill you anymore ... "

From: Dieter Pildner: On quiet days . In: Neue Kronstädter Zeitung (Munich), Volume 31, No. 119/1, March 31, 2015, p. 5.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Claus Stephani: The Uffizi von Pievalinghe: Anna and Dieter Pildner von Steinburg. Siebenbürgische Zeitung, May 12, 2009, accessed on August 13, 2014 .
  2. Dieter Pildner: Künstlerisch ... (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on August 12, 2014 ; accessed on August 13, 2014 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Cf. Cosmin Nasiu: Instituƫia "Land Art" ( Memento of the original from August 12, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . In: Arta. Revista de arte vizuale. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /