Dietrich Spät

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Coat of arms of Speth von Zwiefalten

Dietrich Spät , also: Speth († December 1, 1536 ) was the best-known representative of the Swabian noble family of von Speth . He was the son of the Württemberg court master Dietrich Speth von Ehestetten († 1492) and his wife Ursule Stain zu Jettingen . Dietrich Spät was married to Agatha von Neipperg . The close confidante of Duke Ulrich von Württemberg later became his greatest enemy when he supported his wife Sabina in her escape from Württemberg.


With the possession of Eglingen and Ehestetten , Gammertingen , Hettingen , Untermarchtal , Neidlingen and Zwiefaltendorf , the Spät belonged to the richest lower aristocrats in southern Germany.

Dietrich Spät was initially in the service of Württemberg. In 1495 he accompanied Duke Eberhard im Bart to the Reichstag in Worms . In 1504 he fought as a helper to Duke Ulrich in the Landshut War of Succession and in 1510 he went with Emperor Maximilian and the League of Cambrai against the Republic of Venice . Ulrich granted him the office of an inheritance in 1510, and on May 1, 1511, the emperor gave his rule high jurisdiction.

Through his work as a Bavarian councilor and his family ties to Hans von Hutten, he came into opposition to Duke Ulrich. His support for Duchess Sabinas in 1515 during her flight from Nürtingen to Munich so angered Duke Ulrich that he had the late properties plundered in 1517. Dietrich Spät took an active part in the expulsion of Ulrichs. As Obervogt von Urach , appointed by the Habsburgs , he defended this against Ulrich in 1519. He distinguished himself in the relief of Vienna in 1529 , and in 1534 participated on the Habsburg side in the battle of Lauffen . As an imperial councilor, he died on December 1, 1536.
