Dino De Antoni

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Coat of arms of Archbishop Dino De Antoni

Dino De Antoni (born July 12, 1936 in Chioggia , † March 22, 2019 in Gorizia ) was an Italian clergyman and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Gorizia .


Dino De Antoni, the youngest of twelve children, was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Chioggia on October 23, 1960 after completing his theological training . He graduated from the Pontifical Lateran University with a degree in canon law. After work in pastoral care and in the ordinariate, he became episcopal vicar for the apostolate of the laity in 1977. In 1981 he was appointed archpriest of the Cathedral of Chioggia. In 1988 he was appointed Vicar General of the Diocese of Chioggia and confirmed by the Bishops Alfredo Magarotto and Angelo Daniel. In 1989 and 1997 he was diocesan administrator.

Pope John Paul II appointed him Archbishop of Gorizia on June 2, 1999. The Bishop of Chioggia, Angelo Daniel , ordained him episcopal on September 15 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Antonio Vitale Bommarco OFMConv , Old Archbishop of Gorizia, and Alfredo Magarotto , Bishop of Vittorio Veneto .

On June 28, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI. the resignation put forward by Dino De Antoni for reasons of age.

Web links

Commons : Dino De Antoni  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Addio a monsignor De Antoni, arcivescovo emerito di Gorizia. ilfriuli.it, March 22, 2019, accessed on March 22, 2019 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Antonio Vitale Bommarco OFMConv Archbishop of Gorizia
Carlo Roberto Maria Redaelli