Dionisio Neagrus Laurerio

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Cardinal Dionisio Laurerio (1539)

Dionisio Neagrus Laurerio OSM (* 1497 in Benevento , Italy , † September 17, 1542 in Rome ) was a cardinal of the Roman Church .


Dionisio Laurerio was the son of a little known family from Florence . At a young age he entered the Order of the Servites , he studied in the order's seminaries and obtained a doctorate in 1521 . After his ordination , he lectured in philosophy , metaphysics , mathematics and theology at the universities of Perugia and Bologna . From 1526 to 1529 he was in Rome and developed into an excellent speaker.

Papal nuncio and superior general

On May 18, 1528, the Chapter of the Servites elected him procurator (financial administrator). In 1534 Pope Clement VII (1523-1534) sent him to London to mediate between the Holy See and King Henry VIII of England . During this mission he became friends with Cardinal Alessandro Farnese , who later became Pope Paul III. (1534-1549). On January 22, 1535 he was appointed vicar general of his order. The chapter of the order elected him at the meeting in Budrio on April 27, 1535 as superior general of the Servites. He had asked not to be elected superior and resigned from this office as early as 1542 at the chapter he had convened. On October 23, 1536, Paul III appointed Laurerio as Apostolic Nuncio in Scotland , but he was never in Scotland, but regulated the tasks from Paris . In the years 1537 to 1538 he supported, albeit not very successfully, the expansion of the Servite monastery in France .

Bishop and Cardinal

On December 19, 1539 he was by Pope Paul III. elevated to cardinal and received on December 22, 1539 the "red hat" . Since January 28, 1540 he was cardinal priest of San Marcello , the monastery church of the Servites in Rome. On February 13, 1540 he was appointed Archbishop of Urbino . During his time as bishop he increasingly advocated high-quality ecclesiastical offices and promoted suitable people. As Bishop of Urbino, he accompanied the Pope at several meetings, became his personal advisor and was appointed to important commissions.

Grand Inquisitor and Power

On July 4, 1542 Paul III appointed him. among the first six members of the Sacra Congregatione Romanae et universalis Inquisitionis . From 1540 to 1542 he was a member of the Pontifical Court . On August 11, 1542 he was appointed papal legate in the Archdiocese of Benevento and administrator of the ecclesiastical region of Campania . Also in 1542 the income and property of the Archdiocese of Benevento in Commendam were transferred to him.

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