Dirk Gieselmann

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Dirk Gerrit Gieselmann (* 1978 in Diepholz ) is a German journalist , columnist and author who has been awarded several journalistic prizes.


Gieselmann studied German and philosophy . He initially worked for the soccer magazine 11 Freunde for over 10 years . For his work on the 11-Freunde-Liveticker he was awarded the Henri Nannen Prize , the Grimme Online Award and the German Reporter Prize , among others . Later he wrote as a freelance journalist for Die Zeit , Tagesspiegel , Spiegel , Süddeutsche Zeitung and Cicero . Together with the photographer Armin Smailovic , he published the Atlas of Fear in 2017 . A trip through Germany. The documentary production based on this by Gernot Grünewald had its premiere on April 22, 2017 at the Hamburg Thalia Theater . Gieselmann lives and works in Berlin.

Violations of journalistic standards

In mid-February 2019, the first allegations were made that Gieselmann had invented the protagonist of an article planned for publication in SZ Magazin . As a result, the text was not published. After the author contacted Die Zeit himself , 30 articles for Zeit Online and eleven articles for Die Zeit, which Gieselmann had written between 2015 and 2018, were checked internally. In eleven articles there were "sloppiness and uncleanliness" as well as "some errors [...] which were apparently intended to support the dramaturgy of the contributions". Since the accumulation of errors violated the company's duty of care and journalistic principles, the company ended its collaboration with Gieselmann and corrected all texts available online.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Dirk Gieselmann. In: marcelhartges.de. Retrieved March 7, 2019 .
  2. Marvin Schade: SZ, Spiegel and Zeit separate from Author: Award winner Dirk Gieselmann and his disturbed relationship to truth. In: Meedia.de . March 5, 2019, accessed September 3, 2019 .
  3. Dirk Gieselmann. In: Cicero.de . Retrieved March 7, 2019 .
  4. Atlas of Fear. In: thalia-theater.de. Retrieved March 7, 2019 .
  5. Marvin Schade: "Protagonist invented": SZ Magazin parts with award-winning author - Spiegel and Zeit review articles. In: Meedia.de. February 20, 2019, accessed September 3, 2019 .
  6. a b c editors-in-chief of Zeit und Zeit Online: Die Zeit ends collaboration with freelance workers. In: Zeit Online . March 4, 2019, accessed September 3, 2019 .
  7. ^ Henri Nannen Prize 2010 goes to. In: guj.de . May 7, 2010, accessed September 3, 2019 .
  8. Grimme Online Award 2013. In: grimme-online-award.de. Retrieved March 7, 2019 .
  9. German Reporter Prize 2013 awarded in Berlin. In: reporter-forum.de. Retrieved March 7, 2019 .