Dirk Sager

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Dirk Sager (2009)

Dirk Sager (born August 13, 1940 in Hamburg ; † January 2, 2014 in Potsdam ) was a German journalist .


Dirk Sager grew up in Neumünster (Schleswig-Holstein). There he attended the garden school (elementary school) and then switched to the Holsten school (grammar school) after the 4th grade. Later he was a student of the Marienau State Education Home in Dahlem- Marienau. From there he went to the Stockbridge School in Massachusetts (USA) for one year as an exchange student in the school year 1958/59 .

After graduating from high school in Marienau in 1961, Sager studied American studies, political science and journalism at the Free University of Berlin from 1962 to 1968 . He began his journalistic career after traineeships and freelance journalistic activities (e.g. at Radio Bremen ) in 1966 as an editor at RIAS Berlin, where he worked until 1968. Dirk Sager has worked for ZDF since 1968 .

Dirk Sager u. a. Correspondent in East Berlin , Moscow and Washington, DC From 1984 to 1990 he headed the editorial staff of the political magazine registration D . From 1990 to March 2004, apart from a one-year break as head of the ZDF-Studios Brandenburg, he was head of the ZDF- Studios in Moscow (see Russia reporting in Germany ) and since then has mainly done travel reports.

Sager was a member of the PEN Center Germany .

He died on January 2, 2014 in Potsdam. The funeral service took place in the south-west cemetery Stahnsdorf .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ZDF mourns reporter Dirk Sager, heute.de ( Memento from January 2, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Obituaries from the family and ZDF, Tagesspiegel from January 9, 2014