Djehuti (treasurer)

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Djehuti was a high ancient Egyptian official during the reign of Queen Hatshepsut in the 18th Dynasty ( New Kingdom ).

Djehuti came from the Thebes area . He worked his way up from the customs officer to the highest offices. His outstanding titles included that of treasurer and that of superintendent of all labor . He had the tomb TT11 erected in the Dra Abu el-Naga necropolis in West Thebes . The inscriptions there indicate that Djehuti oversaw the manufacture of various components of the Hatshepsut mortuary temple . He also worked in this role during construction work on the Temple of Amun in Karnak . In addition, he oversaw the construction of the processional barque of the god Amun . He had jewelry made for the image of God Amun in Karnak and other furnishings made for the temple.

Djehuti was probably overthrown shortly after Hatshepsut's 16th year of reign. This is indicated by the erasure of his name in his grave and in Deir el-Bahari , where the mortuary temple of Hatshepsut is also located. In 2008, during excavations in his grave, the coffin of a man named Iker from the Middle Kingdom was found, which speaks in favor of a later rededication of the grave.


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