Dominic Lee Pudwill Gorie

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Dominic Gorie
Dominic Gorie
Country: United States
Organization: NASA
selected on December 8, 1994
(15th NASA Group)
Calls: 4 space flights
Start of the
first space flight:
June 2, 1998
Landing of the
last space flight:
March 27, 2008
Time in space: 48d 14h 19min
retired on June 4th 2010
Space flights

Dominic Lee Pudwill "Dom" Gorie (born May 2, 1957 in Lake Charles , State of Louisiana , USA ) is a former American astronaut . Gory received in 1979 a Bachelor in Ocean Engineering from the United States Naval Academy and in 1990 a Master in aeronautical engineering from the University of Tennessee . In 1981, the naval aviator was trained as a test pilot and flew 38 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm during the Second Gulf War .

Astronaut activity

In December 1994, Gorie was selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA . After completing his training for the astronaut office at the Johnson Space Center , he was responsible for security issues, among other things, and then worked as a liaison officer on numerous space shuttle flights.


On June 2, 1998, Gorie started as a pilot of the space shuttle Discovery on its first flight into space . It was the ninth and final docking maneuver of a shuttle at the Russian Mir space station and marked the end of a successful collaboration. Take-off and landing took place at the Kennedy Space Center.


On February 11, 2000 Gorie flew again as a pilot with the Space Shuttle Endeavor for the so-called Shuttle Radar Topography Mission . He used radar to map 80 percent of the earth's land mass. Two radar systems (one in the shuttle's payload bay, the other mounted on a 60-meter-long mast) scanned the surface of the earth. The result was a digital three-dimensional model of the earth with an accuracy never seen before. In order to enable work around the clock, the six-person crew was divided into two teams that worked in 12-hour operation. Gorie formed the blue team with the mission specialists Janice E. Voss and Mamoru Mōri .


As commander of the STS-108 mission, Gorie visited the International Space Station (ISS) on December 5, 2001 with the space shuttle Endeavor . The main task was to replace the ISS crew: The three-man 4th regular crew replaced the regular crew 3 , who returned to Earth after four months on the station. In addition, over three tons of equipment and supplies were brought to the ISS with the multi-purpose module Raffaello. The mission ended after twelve days.


Gorie was in command of the STS-123 mission, which was conducted in March 2008 and brought part of the Japanese Kibō module and the Canadian robotic hand Dextre to the ISS.


Gorie and his wife, Wendy Lu, have two children. His hobbies are skiing , hiking , cycling , golf and family activities .

See also

Web links and receipts

Commons : Dominic L. Pudwill Gorie  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files