Don-Bosco-Gymnasium Essen

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Don Bosco High School
Don-Bosco-Gymnasium Essen 2013.jpg
type of school high school
School number 164896
founding 1966

Theodor-Hartz-Str. 15th

place Essen - Bochold
country North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
Coordinates 51 ° 28 '33 "  N , 6 ° 57' 42"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 28 '33 "  N , 6 ° 57' 42"  E
carrier Salesians of Don Bosco
student 802 (school year 2017/18)
Teachers 60 (school year 2017/18)
management Lothar Hesse

The Don-Bosco-Gymnasium (DBG) Essen is a Catholic substitute school founded in 1966 in Essen - Bochold . The supporters are the Salesians of Don Bosco . The school also had a boarding school until the 1990s . The school belongs to the branch of the sponsor, called St. Johannesstift, to which the “Don Bosco Club”, an institution for open youth work, has also belonged since 1974.

In 1981 the in-house self-help project “Aktion Werkzeug für Haiti ” was founded. With this organization, the school has been supporting Salesian institutions and projects in the developing country since then.

Until 1999 the DBG was a pure boys' grammar school. For the 1999/00 school year, girls in grades 5 and 11 were accepted for the first time. The DBG is currently attended by 802 pupils. The 2017 Abitur class consisted of 95 graduates.

There are currently 60 teachers at the Don-Bosco-Gymnasium (as of October 2017). Lothar Hesse has been the headmaster since 2010, and Georg Leibold his deputy.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The Don Bosco High School (DBG). Retrieved October 14, 2017 .