Dorothy Provine

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Dorothy Provine (born January 20, 1935 in Deadwood , South Dakota , † April 25, 2010 in Bremerton , Washington ) was an American actress , singer and dancer .


Provine attended the University of Washington . She gained her first acting experience in various amateur theater groups during her studies. In 1957 Provine went to Los Angeles to become a film actress . In 1958 she received her first leading role from the director William Witney , the title role in his film noir Die Höllenkatze , a biographical film about Bonnie Parker . In 1959 she starred on the side of Lou Castello in the science fiction comedy The 9-Meter Bride .

She had other cinema roles in the comedy A total, totally crazy world by Stanley Kramer , as the pretty loving wife of Jack Lemmon in the comedy Lend me your husband , in the comedy What We Care for the Bank with Jim Hutton , as the attractive British agent Susan Fleming in the agent comedy Our Man in Rio and as art teacher Sally Inwood in the film comedy How do you steal a painting? . Provine stayed mostly on the type of the blonde sex bomb or the "nice girl next door". She had a cameo in the comedy film The Great Race Around the World by Blake Edwards .

From the late 1950s, Provine also appeared in numerous American television series . In the western series Der Mann ohne Colt (1957), she played alongside Rex Reason . In Gold in Alaska (1959-1960) Roger Moore was her partner. In the series The Roaring 20's (1960–1962) she played the attractive, long-legged night club singer Pinky Pinkham .

In 1968 she married the television director Robert Day and then largely retired from acting. Her last television appearances were in the crime series The Police Story (1973) and Make-up and Pistols (1976). In the late 1970s, Provine moved with her husband to Bainbridge Island in Washington State , where she also lived largely withdrawn.

Provine died of emphysema in the Hospice of Kitsap County, Bremerton .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Dorothy Provine  - Collection of Images

Individual evidence

  1. Actress Dorothy Provine, 75, Dies ( Memento of the original from April 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Inside Movies obituary from April 29, 2010 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Actress Dorothy Provine dies at 75 ( Memento from May 3, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Reuters agency report from April 29, 2010