Dudum in generali concilio

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With the papal bull Dudum in generali concilio ( Latin: Long after the general council ) of December 31, 1312, Pope Clement V once again dealt with the distribution of property in the Templar Order , which he banned , issued implementing provisions and called for unity and justice.


In the preceding exhortation , the Pope states again that the Templar order had been dissolved at the Council of Vienne (see Vox in excelso ). Furthermore, all goods had been transferred to the order from the hospital of St. John in Jerusalem (see Ad providam ). Exceptions are the religious departments in the kingdoms of Castile , Aragon , Portugal and Mallorca , which are under the direct supervision of the Pope.

Once again he emphasized that the reforms and restructuring should now move forward, but the Holy See did not see any successes, which is why reference is again made to the decrees and papal letters. Clemens V warns that further disputes should be prevented and that a permanent unit should be reached as soon as possible. Therefore, he is now making three demands on the parties involved.


In this bull, Clemens V laid down clear implementation provisions and wanted to avoid the Templar order's repeal of assets from being further delayed. In addition, he must have recognized that the French king, the nobility and some bishops in France wanted to appropriate the assets of the Templars.

The Pope made clear demands (extract):

  1. Compilation of an inventory list of all goods with an indication of their value as well as a list of the personnel of all knights of the order, broken down by active, operational and retired members. Report of all young religious knights who can be designated for use in the Holy Land .
  2. The bishops of France, who are still in possession of the goods of the Templar Order, are supposed to report all previously granted privileges ; superfluous or illegally acquired privileges are abolished. Unresolved territorial claims should be clarified and properly allocated.
  3. Definition of tax revenues and their use. Disagreements are submitted to a delegation for decision, against whose judgment no appeal is possible. The corresponding powers of attorney are issued for all these measures; if the delegates are not presented with a complete and extensive list, the value will be based on an estimate.
  4. We will approve and confirm all decrees regulating and implementing reforms (here the Pope is meant personally, see Pluralis Majestatis ). We will restore the norms and rules and apply them for the good of the Holy Land.
