EUFORIA project

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EUFORIA (EU Fusion for Iter Applications) is a project of the European Union in the Seventh Framework Program ( FP7 ), which sets up and provides a framework and infrastructure for transport and turbulence simulations for fusion research with grid and high-performance computing .

The EUFORIA project will improve the modeling capabilities of ITER Plasma by adapting, improving and integrating a collection of important applications for transport and turbulence simulations in order to combine required computing paradigms (serial and parallel grid computing and high-performance computing ). The development of a grid service and high-performance computer services form the basis of the project. A new aspect is the dynamic connection and integration of applications, which are available in a collection of heterogeneous platforms, in a simple common framework with a workflow engine. In order to improve modeling capabilities of fusion - plasma while supporting new computer infrastructure and tools for fusion -Gesellschaft.

The concept of the EUFORIA project


The "first phase" of the EUFORIA project is a development phase to adapt and improve certain applications of transport and turbulence simulations for grid and high-performance computer environments. This includes providing the computer infrastructure and resources for the project consortium .

Therefore this phase is mainly aimed at the code and application developers with the focus on the detailed implementation of the physical code. General tutorials on the various aspects of application customization will be made available to the consortium and other fusion scientists. The experiences made during the development work of the fusion code will be published and direct user support for new users who want to bring their applications into the EUFORIA platform will be offered. This activity alone will provide a significant step forward in terms of the modeling capacities and capabilities of the fusion- modeling society.

The “second phase” is a standardization and integration phase. In a technology-driven part, the technologies and tools are developed in order to offer users transparent methods for resource allocation and planning as well as a dynamic coupling of the physics and the user and physics code components. The technology for creating complex workflows with the improved codes, the components, the standardized data structures and the transfer methods are used to expand the physical areas of ITER development. Important steps here are the adaptation of a uniform project-wide data structure and the adaptation of a workflow orchestration tool and general tools for examining and visualizing the data.


The EUFORIA project aims to achieve the following results:

In addition, there are a number of activities to disseminate the project results.

As you can see in the list above, the project consists of a collection of work packages. A high degree of coordination and monitoring is required in the management structures of the project in order to guarantee the timely creation of the individual components.


The EUFORIA consortium includes the following 14 European institutions:

  1. Chalmers University of Technology ( coordinator ) in Sweden
  2. Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Germany
  3. CSIC (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) in Spain
  4. Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medio Ambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) in Spain
  5. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany
  6. Finnish IT Center for Science (CSC) in Finland
  7. Åbo Akademi (ABO) in Finland
  8. University of Edinburgh (UEDIN) in Great Britain
  9. Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) in Spain
  10. Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) in France
  11. Université de Strasbourg in France
  12. University of Ljubljana (UOL) in Slovenia
  13. Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center PSNC in Poland
  14. Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment (ENEA) in Italy

Project structure

The EUFORIA project is structured in networks , services and research :


  • NA1 management
  • NA2 - user documentation and training
  • NA3 - dissemination

Services - Publications and Workflows

Research activities

  • JRA1 - Adaptation of the codes and tools in the grid infrastructure
  • JRA2 - Adaptation of the codes and tools in the high-performance computer infrastructure
  • JRA3 - Physics Integration - Workflow Orchestration Tools
  • JRA4 - visualization

Network Activities (NA)

Activity NA1: Management

NA1 provides administrative support and management for the consortium. In addition to coordinating the various activities, NA1 is responsible for securing and promoting communication between the research and service activities to ensure the integration of the results. The connections to other international projects and initiatives, both in grid and high-performance computing , as well as in the fusion community are being determined. Management will liaise with the code owners and users of the merger company to publish additional computer resources for research in physics through the EUFORIA code. It is also determined whether additional funding from the EU and the consortium can be acquired.

As the various sub-areas become more and more integrated over time, more attention is required in the area of joint research and in the collaboration between research and service . In addition, efficient coordination is a prerequisite for achieving the planned goals. Another goal is for those who have been trained to pass on their knowledge of the EUFORIA project independently.

A merger-based coordination team will deploy good technology support within the leadership group to harmonize infrastructure development and the modeling requirements required by ITER and to maintain contact with physics development and modeling activities within ITER -Partners.

NA1 goals

  • Provide the administrative and management services for the consortium

Successful management is manifested through the success of the entire project and is achieved through constant further development, the monitoring of milestones and decisions within the activities and through an assessment of the progress made.

Activity NA2: User documentation and training

NA2 will support scientific users with documentation and further training in order to take full advantage of high-performance computing and the grid infrastructure in this project. This activity includes a training program to enable users to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to use the infrastructure. In addition, the project supports a comprehensive collection of documentation that includes user manuals and FAQs.

NA2 goals

  • Provision of documents, FAQs and practical information for the user regarding grid and high-performance computer infrastructure
  • Providing a comprehensive training program for developers and users

Activity NA3: Dissemination

The dissemination is the basis for identifying, obtaining and providing a good image of the project and its benefits for the target group. The appearance must be both by emphasizing the power generated by the accession of DEISA and the Eege has been achieved, and by the EUFORIA grid and Hochleistungsrechner- be attractive communities. The dissemination also plays a role by bringing in potential customers who contribute to the dissemination by participating in events.

Most users, developers and communities will get their first contacts with the EUFORIA project through dissemination. The willing acceptance of the project by the user community will depend on the quality and effectiveness of the actions aimed at raising the project's reputation.

NA3 goals

  • Dissemination of the goals and the achievements of the grid and the supercomputers in the area of ​​the fusion and by integrating and using the EUFORIA infrastructure
  • Definition of different dissemination methods
  • Offering prospectuses
  • Inform the scientific communities how to integrate into the project
  • Bringing in potential users so that they can become EUFORIA users
  • Inform communities about new improvements and functionalities

Service activities (SA)

Activity SA1: Grid Infrastructure, Development and Operations

The aim of this activity is to provide expanded grid infrastructures for the scientific work that supports the fusion activities of the European research area . The project will integrate resources from distributed computing into a coherent grid service by activating fusion researchers to face new scientific challenges. The operations of the grid infrastructure , the large distributed grid build, integrate and operate infrastructure.

SA1 goals

  • Development and operation of the central service for the integration of computer resources into a production-ready grid infrastructure for serial and parallel applications
  • Coordination of the various operators
  • Providing support for virtual organizations (VOs) and resource providers who help end users, VO managers and page managers to achieve their goals and contribute to the successful use of the infrastructure.

One goal of this project is to consolidate a grid- based research area in Europe. The infrastructure will be compatible with the EEGE middleware service so that standardization of the grid middleware and the consolidation of the infrastructure in Europe can be brought about. Therefore the project will follow the recommendations of international organizations such as e-IRG (e-Infrastructure Reflection Group) and OGF ( Open Grid Forum ).

Activity SA2: HPC infrastructure

The code developers in JRA2 are improving the codes of the plasma - fusion community. To do this, the code developers and scientists need access to suitable computers and supercomputers to test, debug and execute the code.

The main goal of SA2 is therefore secure access to the facilities for high-performance computers and the supercomputer centers (CSC in Helsinki, BSC in Barcelona and EPCC ( UEDIN ) in Edinburgh).

SA2 goals

Activity SA3: User support for high performance computing and grid

SA3 will support scientists with appropriate support mechanisms. There will be a user interface that offers a central point of contact. This ensures uniform user registrations, resource management, administration and a help desk for all users. This activity strengthens many other activities, such as JRA1 , JRA2 , JRA3, and JRA4 .

SA3 goals

  • Provision of uniform user administration, resource management, evaluations and a central help desk through a user interface
  • Providing support for a wide range of applications within the improvement of applications in the EUFORIA project

Research Activities (JRA)

Activity JRA1: Adapting the codes and tools in the grid infrastructure

In JRA1, selected codes of the plasma transport and turbulence simulations are adapted to the grid architecture. A collection of sequential codes is adjusted first. Later, two parallel workflow codes will be installed in the grid . The seamless connection of serial and parallel workflows is unique. The experience gained from the code adaptation and data management will be used for the coming fusion simulations and experiments.

JRA1 goals

  • Porting of a collection of sequential and sequential-parallel codes into the grid environment
  • Acquiring knowledge and experience in handling the codes and the data that are produced

Activity JRA2: Adapting the codes and tools to the high-performance computer infrastructure

In JRA2, a collection of computer codes from plasma physics and fusion is adapted by means of magnetic confinement so that they are available for supercomputer systems in the participating high-performance data centers. The programs should be accelerated and better parallelized in order to be able to calculate larger simulations. The computer codes are designed in such a way that they can act as efficiently as possible on the current terascale processors as well as on the next generation petascale processors, high-performance computing systems and as components within the runtime environment.

JRA2 goals

  • Improvement of the parallel scalability of the computer code
  • Improve the performance on modern processor architectures
  • Adapting the codes so that they can be used in a framework by a workflow orchestration tool.

Activity JRA3: workflow orchestration

The coupling of different computer modules and codes requires a coordination element for structured data management and resource planning. A workflow orchestration tool facilitates the integration process and offers a framework into which control elements and monitoring elements are also incorporated. It also offers possible access to standardized data management and user-controlled post-processing.

JRA3 goals

  • Planning of orders in the grid and high-performance computer infrastructure together with those of other computing facilities, so that a workflow orchestration tool is created that can dynamically link and start different computer architectures
  • Develop a single user interface to support user administration, user inquiries, resource management and monitoring. This interface will meet the requirements of SA3 users who offer the service.

Activity JRA4: visualization

JRA4 creates a collection of standardized visualization tools for the codes integrated in the platform. Some of these tools allow post-processing of the data, others are included in the Kepler workflow to provide visualization of the results while the workflow is running. The visualization tools that are generated in JRA4 are based on existing open source software such as Python , Numpy , Matplotlib , VTK and VisIt .

JRA4 goals

  • Provision of a collection of standardized visualization tools in the Kepler workflow in order to be able to access visualization data on a grid .
  • Integration of more powerful visualization tools
  • Developing a lossy wavelet-based data compression tool to handle very large amounts of data
  • Development of a specific visualization tool for a 4D or 5D distribution function

Web links

Individual proof

  1. See also: European high-performance computing .