Echinopsis knuthiana

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Echinopsis knuthiana
Order : Clove-like (Caryophyllales)
Family : Cactus family (Cactaceae)
Subfamily : Cactoideae
Tribe : Trichocereeae
Genre : Echinopsis
Type : Echinopsis knuthiana
Scientific name
Echinopsis knuthiana
( Backeb. ) H.Friedrich & GDRowley

Echinopsis knuthiana is a species of the genus Echinopsis in the cactus family(Cactaceae). The specific epithet knuthiana honors the Danish botanist, plant collector and cactus lover Frederik Marcus Knuth (1904–1970).


Echinopsis knuthiana grows tree-shaped, branches out above the ground and reaches heights of growth of up to 3 meters. Usually a conspicuous trunk is formed. The cylindrical, bright, light blue-green shoots are frosted and have a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. There are about seven broad, rounded ribs . The circular, gray areoles on them are covered with wool. The single, grayish white central spine is up to 10 centimeters long. The seven yellowish radial spines turn grayish white with age.

The funnel-shaped, white, fragrant flowers appear near the apex of the shoots and open at night. They are 17 to 18 inches long.

Distribution and systematics

Echinopsis knuthiana is distributed in the Peruvian regions of Huánuco , Junín and Ayacucho at altitudes around 3000 meters.

The first description by Curt Backeberg was published in 1937. Heimo Friedrich and Gordon Douglas Rowley placed the species in 1974 in the genus Echinopsis .

Another nomenclature synonym is Trichocereus cuzcoensis var. Knuthianus (Backeb.) F. Ritter (1958). The following taxa were included as synonymous in the species: Cereus deflexispinus Rauh & Backeb. (1957, nom. Illeg. ICBN -Article 53.1?) And Azureocereus deflexispinus (Rauh & Backeb.) Rauh (1958. nom. Invalid. ICBN -Article 33.3).

According to Friedrich Ritter , Echinopsis knuthiana is related to Echinopsis pachanoi .



Individual evidence

  1. Urs Eggli, Leonard E. Newton: Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-05597-3 , pp. 127–128.
  2. ^ Curt Backeberg: Succulenta . Volume 19, 1937, p. 42.
  3. Friedrich Ritter: Cacti in South America. Results of my 20 years of field research . Volume 4: Peru. Friedrich Ritter Selbstverlag, Spangenberg 1981, pp. 1326–1327.

Web links

  • Photos of Echinopsis knuthiana