Edouard Boureau

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Édouard Léon François Boureau (born January 31, 1913 in Champ-sur-Layon , Maine-et-Loire department , † October 2, 1999 ) was a French paleobotanist and botanist (plant anatomy). Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Boureau ".


Boureau studied at the University of Poitiers and received his doctorate in botany in 1938 (Recherches anatomiques et expérimentales sur l'ontogénie des plantules des Pinacées et ses rapports avec la phylogénie). He then did research for the CNRS and from 1946 was head of the laboratory for comparative plant anatomy of fossil and recent plants at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle in Paris. From 1959 he was a professor at the Sorbonne (with full professorship in 1961), later at the University of Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie). He founded the paleobotany laboratory there.

In 1954, at the International Botanical Congress in Paris, he was one of the founders of the International Paleobotany Organization (IOP) and its first Secretary General. He was the editor of an unfinished manual of paleobotany (laid out in 9 volumes, of which only 4 appeared) and was the editor of the World report on Paleobotany.

Boureau studied comparative plant anatomy (especially the vessels) of both recent and fossil plants. In the 1950s he was working on fossil plants from Indochina . He also dealt with early forms of multicellular life on earth, for example in Precambrian cherts of the enigmatic ring structure of Guelb er Richat in Mauritania , which were collected by his friend Théodore Monod . In France he advocated since the 1960s the theory that ionizing radiation from the sun, which increasingly reaches the earth with the regular reversals of the earth's magnetic field, influenced the evolution of life via the mutations it caused. Among other things, he dealt with the mass extinction at the turn of the Cretaceous and Tertiary .

He had been a member of the Académie des sciences since 1977 and received its Prix Foulon for contributions to plant anatomy and palaeobotany. In 1949 he became an officer of the Ordre des Palmes Académiques .


  • with Èmile Manguin, André Lenoble: Les Dépôts lacustres pliocènes-pléistocènes de l'Ankaratra (Madagascar). Imprim. national, Paris 1949
  • Anatomy végétale. 3 volumes, Presses universitaires de France, Paris 1954 to 1957
  • Publisher: Traité de Paléobotanique. 4 volumes, Masson, Paris 1964 to 1975
  • with Nicole Grambast-Fessard, Jean Huard, Jean-Claude Koeniguer: Paléobotanique: ètudes. Société Géologique, 1966
  • Les sphénophytes: biology et histoire évolutive: cours de botanique. Vuibert, Paris 1971
  • La Terre, mère de la vie? Larousse, 1986
  • with Philippe Janvier and Pascal Tassy: La Recherche en paleontologie. Le Seuil, Paris 1989


  • Philippe Jaussaud, Édouard Brygoo: Du Jardin au Muséum en 516 Biographies. Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris 2004
  • Jean-Louis Bonneraain: La Vie et l'œuvre scientifique d'Edouard Boureau. In: Académie des Sciences de l'Institut de France. Discours et Notices biographiques. Volume 4, 2001, pp. 81-90.
  • J. Broutin: Professor Edouard Boureau, 1913-1999. IOP Newsletter, March 2000, International organization of paleobotany (IOP), London

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ At the same time, Jean Piveteau published a handbook of paleontology in France, which covered paleozoology.
  2. ^ Cédric Grimoult: Histoire de l'évolutionnisme contemporain en France. 1945-1995. Librairie Droz, Paris, Geneva 2000, p. 338