Eduard Arens

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Eduard Bernhard Arens (born January 12, 1866 in Lippstadt ; † September 28, 1935 ) was a German high school professor and literary historian.


Arens was the son of Theodor Arens, the catholic surgeon of the Lippstadt district . After attending the Theodorianum grammar school in Paderborn , where Eduard passed his matriculation examination on March 11, 1885 , Arens attended the teachers' college . With the passing of the teaching examination on February 6, 1890 in Münster , he started the seminar year at Easter 1890 at the Städtisches Realgymnasium in Münster. This was followed by the probationary year at the Paulinum grammar school in Münster at Easter 1891, before his employability was certified with its graduation on April 1, 1892. His other teaching posts until he was sworn in on November 9, 1897 were from April 1, 1892 to Easter 1893 as an assistant teacher at the aforementioned Realgymnasium in Münster, from Easter 1893 to Easter 1896 as a teacher at the Rector's School in Vreden , from Easter 1896 to autumn In 1897 as a teacher at the episcopal teaching institution Gaesdonck near Goch and finally from autumn 1897 to Easter 1898 as an assistant teacher at the Rhenish Knight Academy in Bedburg .

Eduard Arens finally got his first permanent position as a senior teacher at the Mönchengladbach grammar school on April 1, 1898. On April 1, 1902, he moved to the Kaiser-Karls-Gymnasium in Aachen . Arens, who remained unmarried, retired to Dortmund- Hörde after his transfer to Aachen on October 1, 1919 .

Parallel to his employment in Vreden Arens was on December 7, 1894 in Munster with the work Quaestiones Claudianeae to Dr. phil. PhD . In addition to his teaching activities, he was a member of the Aachen Museum Association .

Eduard Arens became known mainly as the editor and biographer of Annette von Droste-Hülshoff .

Publications (selection)

Excerpt from Who is Hans on pilgrimage 73
  • with Josef Franke: Tacitus - second part - selection from the histories and the vita agricolae for school use , 1897.
  • King Ottokar's luck and end , Aschendorff bookstore, Münster 1903.
  • Annette von Droste-Hülshoff's life and works , Leipzig 1904.
  • To the Fastrada legend . In: Zeitschrift des Aachener Geschichtsverein , 31/1909, p. 199.
  • (Ed.): Franz Grillparzer : King Ottokar's luck and end. Tragedy in five acts , 2nd edition, Münster i. W. 1913.
  • Who is "Hans on the pilgrimage"? . In: From the Eichendorff calendar to the year 1919. A romantic yearbook.
  • Poet's greetings to Annette von Droste (= A collection of pictures of time and life, vol. 32), Mönchengladbach 1923.
  • Spa guests in Bad Aachen 1756–1818. According to the spa lists and other sources. Festival of the city of Aachen at the 41st Balneologists Congress in Bad Aachen 6. – 11. April 1926 , Aachen 1926.
  • Werner von Harthausen and his relatives as romantics. With unpublished portraits , Aichach 1927.
  • with Josepha Grauheer: The poetic cobbler guild on a leash. In: Otto Deneke (Hrsg.): Göttinger Nebenstunden , Book 7, Göttingen 1929.
  • Poems , Leipzig 1930.
  • Annette von Droste-Hülshoff's complete works in six parts , Leipzig around 1933.
  • with Wilhelm Leopold Janssen : History of the Club Aachener Casino . Aachen 1937 (2nd edition, edited by Elisabeth Janssen and Felix Kuetgens , 1964)


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Eduard Arens personnel sheet in the personnel file of the BIL reviewer in the archive database of the Library for Research on Educational History (BBF)
  2. ^ A literary society in the 20th century , 2003, p. 63.
  3. At that time he was living in Geseke near Lippstadt.
  4. Examination subjects: Latin, Greek, German and philosophical propaedeutics .
  5. ^ Members of the Aachen Museum Association in 1913 as a pdf