Eduard Batschelet

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Eduard Batschelet or - in English-speaking countries - Edward Batschelet (born April 6, 1914 in Biel ; † October 3, 1979 in Zurich ) was a Swiss mathematician , high school and university teacher .

Life and career

After finishing school at the Humanist Gymnasium in Basel , Eduard Batschelet studied mathematics, physics and astronomy at the University of Basel . There he was a student of Alexander Markowitsch Ostrowski and received his doctorate under his guidance in 1942. Before that, in 1939 he himself had become a teacher at the Humanist Gymnasium in Basel. He held this teaching position until 1960. At the same time, he completed his teaching activities - with several interruptions - as part of further studies in Rome , New York , Princeton and London .

In 1952 Batschelet obtained his habilitation at the University of Basel, where he was also awarded the title of associate professor in 1958 . In 1960 he went on to further scientific research as a full professor at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC Finally, in 1971 he was appointed full professor at the University of Zurich , where he remained until his retirement . There he headed the biomathematical department of the Mathematical Institute .

Shortly after his retirement, Eduard Batschelet unexpectedly died of a heart attack .

Scientific achievement

Eduard Batschelet's scientific work initially extended to questions of algebra . This led not least to his dissertation investigations into the absolute values ​​of the roots of algebraic, especially cubic, equations . In later years he concentrated his scientific work largely on applied mathematics and in particular on mathematical statistics . He significantly promoted the application of mathematical methods for problem solving in related areas such as gerontology , population dynamics , future research and especially in biomathematics. Batschelet had an excellent reputation both as a teacher and university professor and as a scientific advisor.


Eduard Batschelet is the author or co-author of more than a dozen scientific publications . He is also the author of the following well-known monographs :

  • Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Problems in Animal Orientation and Certain Biological Rhythms . American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington DC 1965.
  • Introduction to Mathematics for Biologists . Springer Verlag, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 1980, ISBN 3-540-09633-7 (English: Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists .).
  • Circular Statistics in Biology (=  Mathematics in Biology ). Academic Press, London (et al.) 1981, ISBN 0-12-081050-6 .


  • Robert Ineichen: Professor Dr. Eduard Batschelet . In: Elements of Mathematics . tape 35 , 1980, pp. 105-107 , doi : 10.5169 / seals-34684 .
  • Thomas Brassel: The lecturers at the University of Zurich: summer semester 1933 to winter semester 1982/83. In: The University of Zurich 1933–1983: Festschrift for the 150th anniversary of the University of Zurich. University of Zurich, Zurich 1983, ISBN 3-85823-086-3 , pp. 665–748, here p. 736, (PDF; 16.5 MB), accessed on May 2, 2016.

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  1. This monograph has been widely used and has appeared in at least five languages.