Eduard Gehbe

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Georg Eduard Gehbe (born March 30, 1845 in Meiningen , † March 6, 1920 in Salzburg ) was a German- Austrian painter and graphic artist.


Gehbe studied from 1861 with Friedrich Preller the Elder in Weimar . After stays in Berlin, Paris and Switzerland, he became a student of Albert Zimmermann and Hans Canon in Vienna from 1870 to 1872 . After a stay in Hungary he returned to Vienna. In 1884 he settled in Salzburg and in 1886 moved into a studio in the newly built artist house . Here he became a leading figure in the conservative artistic community.

From 1886 he took part in the exhibitions of the Salzburg Artists 'Association almost annually , as well as in exhibitions of the artists' associations in Vienna, Munich and Berlin.

The appreciation he was shown was also evident in a silver laurel wreath made by the gold and silversmith Franz Holter, which was presented to Gehbe on his 55th birthday in the “Hotel zum Golden Schiff”. The names of 56 friends and admirers of the artist from Salzburg's high society are engraved on the 37 leaves of the wreath, such as the painter Theodor Streicher , the painter and local politician Josef Mayburger , the writer Anton Breitner , the sculptor Anton Aicher , the history and portrait painter Leo Reiffenstein , the President of the Salzburg Art Association Ludwig Schmederer, and the architect and city planning director Franz Drobny .


Gehbe became known through hunting and genre pictures , fairy tale compositions , landscapes , still lifes and portraits . His style is called "late founding realism". His hunting pictures with the often repeated motif of courting capercaillie earned him the somewhat derogatory reputation of being a superficial old hand.

Some of his works can be seen in the Salzburg Museum or Golling Local History Museum , but are also traded on the open market.


  • Silver State Medal, Vienna 1904
  • Golden State Medal, Vienna 1909
  • Medal of the City of Salzburg, 1904
  • Grand Ducal Saxon Golden Jubilee Medal


  • Urd Valeske (2017). Salzburg laurel wreath. A silver laurel wreath for the painter Eduard Gehbe. The work of art of the month, 30th year, sheet 353. Salzburg Museum, Martin Hochleitner (Ed.).
  • Adolf Haslinger & Peter Mittermayer (eds.). Salzburg cultural lexicon. Salzburg, Residenz Verlag 2001, p. 170. ISBN 3-7017-1129-1 .
  • Nikolaus Schaffer: Gehbe, Georg Eduard. In Günter Meißner: General artist lexicon. The visual artists of all times and peoples. Volume 51. Munich, KG Saur Verlag 2006, p. 26, ISBN 978-3-598-22791-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. Urs Valeske, 2017, o. P.
  2. Haslinger & Mittermayr, 2001, p. 170.
  3. Eduard Gehbe at Dorotheum
  4. Eduard Gehbe on Artnet
  5. N. Schaffer, 2006, p. 26