Edwin Barclay

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Edwin Barclay

Edwin James Barclay ( 1882 - November 6, 1955 ) was a Liberian politician . From 1930 to 1944 he was the 18th President of Liberia.


Franklin D. Roosevelt and Edwin James Barclay (right, behind the wheel), January 27, 1943

Barclays paternal grandparents emigrated in 1864 from Barbados made to Liberia. Ernest Barclay , his father, and his uncle Arthur Barclay were also important Liberian politicians. In 1901 Barclay wrote the Liberian patriotic song "The Lone Star Forever"

Barclay was a member of the True Whig Party , which ruled the country at the time, and was Foreign Secretary and Secretary of State in the government of Charles DB King from 1920 to 1930 . He became president in 1930 when King and his vice-president Allen N. Yancy had to resign because of the Fernando Po scandal . He was first elected to office in 1931. Barclay helped Liberia overcome one of the greatest threats to Liberia's independence. These dangers were among others

Barclay retired from politics in 1944. He was succeeded by William Tubman .

Web links

Commons : Edwin Barclay  - Collection of images, videos and audio files