Three of a kind rarely come alone

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Original title Three of a kind rarely come alone
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2012
length 88 minutes
Director Dietmar Klein
script Martin Douven
production Bea Schmidt
music Martin Grassl
camera Thomas Etzold
cut Heidi Handorf

Three of a kind of Hazzard is a German television - Comedy by Dietmar Klein from the year 2012 with Thekla Carola Wied and Günther Maria Halmer in the lead roles. In 2014 the sequel Four triplets are one too many appeared .


Linda Rosenau is the successful editor-in-chief of the national women's magazine Marlene . She is constantly on the move and literally lives for her job. As a result, she rarely or no time for her daughter Leonie and her triplets. Even if Leonie asks for help, she is turned away. Only when she has to go to the hospital after a fit of faintness does Linda have no choice but to look after the children. After all, Leonie has just been left by her partner Patrick. He had found out that the kids are not from him, but from a one-night stand. Linda cannot find her father, but with the retired teacher Dr. Jakob Buchmann can at least employ his grandfather to look after his grandchildren.

But the Latin teacher really only wants to leave Germany to spend his old age in Canada . Instead, he has to sleep in Linda's loft to look after his grandchildren. What is worse, however, is that she annoys him with her anglicisms and superficialities. Linda, on the other hand, has little to do with children and only has her magazine in mind. Right now the problems have piled up. The new owners want to lay off several journalists, reduce the content so they can increase the return. They have sent the right man in Arne Hansen. He only has numbers in his head and does not want to deal with fate at all.

But Linda fights against these new guidelines and fights for her employees. Jakob also helps her in this. She sees how touchingly he takes care of her grandchildren, and they both grow closer emotionally. When they visit Leonie in the hospital with the children, they discover the children's father. Thomas was on a trip, had an accident and is now waking up from his coma, facing his three children. But after the first shock and argument, not only Linda and Jakob manage to get together, but also Leonie and Thomas.


The film was shot under the working title Triplets from August 20 to October 17, 2011 in Munich . The first broadcast was on February 10, 2012 on ARD . It was seen by 5.55 million viewers, which corresponded to a market share of 16.4 percent.


"Comedic (TV) family film about an unequal duo and their emotional states."

“Nice, but unfortunately the story is predictable from A to Z. [...] Tepid satire between full diapers "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Three of a kind rarely comes alone ,
  2. TV ratings: Finale brings "The Voice" more viewers again ,
  3. ↑ Three of a kind rarely come alone. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. ↑ Three of a kind rarely comes alone ,