A heart full of music

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Original title A heart full of music
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1955
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Robert A. Stemmle
script Robert A. Stemmle
production Unicorn-Film GmbH, Munich
music Heino Gaze
Werner Müller
camera Günther Anders
Franz Koch
cut Henny Brünsch

A heart full of music (alternative title: Heimat-Melodie ) is a German hit film by Robert A. Stemmle from 1955. The main roles are occupied by Vico Torriani , Fita Benkhoff , Ina Halley and Ruth Stephan .


The American millionaire Ellinor Patton is thrilled when she keeps seeing the same winter sportsman with the number 7 victorious under different names in different competitions in St. Moritz . From then on she calls him her number 7 and is delighted when he also serves her as a waiter in her hotel. She doesn't know that Vico is the son of the hotel owner Hasenpfot. The father, on the other hand, is not enthusiastic when Vico sings a hit with the Mantovani orchestra in the hotel and an affair with the flower girl Blanche begins. Blanche is transferred to a hotel in Rome on Rabbit's instructions . Hasenpfot wants to block the monthly money for his son if he doesn't stop singing, but Vico prefers to break up with him and go out into the world alone. He comes to Rome, where he initially looks for a job in vain and then finds accommodation under a false name in a hotel in which Mantovani's orchestra will also perform. He applies to Mantovani, but an orchestra member hired by his father prevents an application to Mantovani from going through. Instead, Vico is told that Mantovani has not been enthusiastic about his singing skills and that he will not be part of the orchestra.

In Rome, Vico, who has meanwhile also hired himself as a mime artist, meets Blanche and the two become a couple. He also befriends Blanche's confidante Fleurette, who is friends with the musician from Mantovani's orchestra who prevented Vico's rise. Vico also sees Ellinor again, who gets him a waiter job in a prestigious hotel. It is also Ellinor who, without Vico's knowledge, puts together a revue for him in which, through the mediation of Fleurette's friend, he gets the lead role. After the premiere of the revue Der Liebling von Soho , Ellinor presented himself to the press as Vico's sponsor. Blanche gets the situation wrong and rushes away disappointed. She leaves for St. Moritz. Fleurette learns from her boyfriend that he arranged the revue job and prevented an engagement with Mantovani at the insistence of Mr. Hasenpfot. He makes up for his misconduct by telling Mantovani about Vico. Mantovani still wants to hire the young singer from St. Moritz. Everyone travels to St. Moritz, where Vico also arrives in search of Blanche. He finds her and they both hug.


A heart full of music was filmed in the Bavaria Film Studios in Munich-Geiselgasteig as well as in Rome and St. Moritz. Working titles were Heaven full of violins and And the whole world full of violins . Otto Pischinger and Herta Hareiter created the buildings, production management was in the hands of Auguste Barth-Reuss .

The film had its premiere on September 1, 1955 at the World Games in Hanover .

Vico Torriani sings different songs in the film:

  • You are beautiful like music ( Heino Gaze / Bruno Balz , Heino Gaze)
  • Just look at the stars (Heino Gaze / Bruno Balz, Heino Gaze)
  • Poor Pierrot (Heino Gaze / Bruno Balz, Heino Gaze)
  • The new spring hat (Heino Gaze / Bruno Balz, Heino Gaze)
  • Blauäugelein (Heino Gaze / Bruno Balz, Heino Gaze)
  • Hello the ladies (Heino Gaze / Bruno Balz, Heino Gaze)

Mantovani plays with his Charmaine orchestra.


The lexicon of international film was in 1990: "Chic fuss about the pop singer Vico Torriani". In its new edition, the LdIF assessed the film more critically: It was "undemanding Schlager entertainment, made from a template and enriched with colorful tourist views of St. Moritz and Rome, a lot of glamorous fuss and even more fake sentiment."

Cinema stated: "Vico sings Schlager, the rest is meager".

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Brüne (Ed.): Lexicon of International Films . Volume 3. Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1990, p. 1597.
  2. A heart full of music. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. A heart full of music See cinema.de (with 8 film images)