Elias von Kanitz

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Podangen manor around 1860, Alexander Duncker collection

Elias von Kanitz (born October 17, 1617 , † April 16, 1674 on Podangen , Lomp and Gemitten) was a colonel from Kurbrandenburg and captain of Balga .


He was the third son of Salomon von Kanitz († April 17, 1636), heir to Mednicken , Boxinen, Dommelkeim and Wilgaiten , Prussian district administrator and captain von Barten . His mother was Maria von Packmohr († May 28, 1644) from the Jagelack family, with whom his father had been married for the third time since July 19, 1615.

He was initially in the army of Bernhard von Sachsen-Weimar . When he died in 1639, he switched to French service with the "German Brigade". He fought under the Baltic German Colonel Reinhold von Rosen with the Marshals Guébriant and later Turenne and took part in the battles near Tuttlingen , Freiburg , Mergentheim and Zusmarshausen . He remained in French service until 1651 - most recently as Rittmeister. Thereupon he came back to Kurbrandenburg and was commander of a dragoon regiment . He fought with the regiment in the Battle of Warsaw and Funen (1659).

Kanitz then probably retired to the country and in 1663 bought the Podangen estate near Wormditt , before he had already become captain of Balga.

In the church of Döbern there is his wall grave, which was created in 1704 by Johannes Poertzel in Königsberg.


He was married to Anna Margarete Finck von Finckenstein (* 1625) from the Gilgenburg family. The couple had several children including:

  • Friedrich Wilhelm (* October 10, 1656; † January 22, 1719) ⚭I Sophia Barbara von Tettau (* 1664; † 1707); ⚭II Christine Auguste von Reventlow (* 1680; † 1741)
  • Charlotte Sophie (* November 18, 1658; † June 25, 1705) ⚭ October 24, 1673 Hans (Johannes) von Kreytzen (* November 29, 1643; † October 8, 1712)
  • Maria Elisabeth (* 1660; † May 5, 1738) ⚭ Christoph Reinhold Finck von Finckenstein (1645–1705)


  • Anton Balthasar König : Elias von Kanitz . In: Biographical lexicon of all heroes and military figures who made themselves famous in the Prussian service . tape 1 . Arnold Wever, Berlin 1788, p. 310 ( Elias von Kanitz at Wikisource [PDF]).

Individual evidence

  1. also: November 1, 1622 after Hans Graf von Kanitz-Podangen: Documentary news about Podangen, 1339 to 1900. Pr. Holland, Hermann Weberstädt's Buchdruckerei, 1900
  2. ^ Announcements from the Institute for Austrian Historical Research . Volume 28, p. 154
  3. http://www.ostpreussen.net/ostpreussen/orte.php?bericht=775
  4. Walther Hubatsch and Iselin Gundermann: History of the Protestant Church in East Prussia: Images of East Prussian churches. P. 73

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