Elisabeth Behrend (writer)

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Elisabeth Behrend (born January 18, 1887 in Leipzig ; † in the 20th century ) was a German writer , children's , school and non-fiction book - author , poet and draftsman and illustrator, particularly on the subject of baby care


Inside title (excerpt) of the teaching and reference book "Image and Word on Infant Care " with a foreword by the pediatrician and head doctor of the Hanoverian children's sanatorium Wilhelm Riehn

She was the daughter of the secret government councilor and chemistry professor Robert Behrend and his wife Elisabeth. Her grandfather was the Leipzig Bible researcher Constantin von Tischendorf .

Elisabeth Behrend, of whom both the date and place of death remained unknown, lived and worked mainly in Hanover. There she gave lectures and courses in baby care, among other things. Her writings also include various children's books.

Already at the time of the German Empire and in the middle of the First World War , the Teubner Verlag in Berlin and Leipzig in 1916 published the 28-page book Infant Care in Rhyme and Image , written by Elisabeth Behrend, provided with her verses and her own illustrations , for which Wilhelm Riehn , "The first pediatrician ever in Hanover " and the chief doctor of the Hanoverian Children's Hospital, wrote the preface. By 1929 alone, this Behrends work had been published 24 times.

But as early as the beginning of the Weimar Republic in 1920, artist Otto Engelhardt-Kyffhäuser based artist Otto Engelhardt-Kyffhäuser's drafts on drawings by the painter Otto Engelhardt-Kyffhäuser had produced blackboards for training courses : The twelve 75 × 83 cm "Teaching boards for baby care" with a foreword by Georg Hunaeus appeared in Artern at Bergwart and again at Teubner.

Meanwhile, in 1928, also by Teubner, Behrend's text Bild und Wort zur Infant care was published, according to the subtitle a “teaching and reference book ,” which again was preceded by a foreword by the Hanoverian pediatrician Wilhelm Riehn. Like its older title, the work was reviewed in the magazine Arbeiterwohlfahrt in 1928 . An edition shortened to 32 pages for use in schools was published in the second edition in 1936. The more detailed and thorough reference work was published in the post-war period in 1949 as the 8th, completely revised edition by Schmorl & von Seefeld in Hanover.

After individual books by Behrend had already been printed more than half a million times in 1933, Elisabeth Behrend's multi-volume work Ratbüchlein in rhyme and picture was also the subject of a book review. These two volumes with the subtitles Beginning of Life and Infant Care were also published in several editions.

In the middle of the Second World War , Behrend's publication Fließe, Quelle des Lebens! A word to all mothers and everyone who looks after mothers. The brochure, which was only four pages long but again provided with illustrations, was in Hanover at the then Adolf-Hitler-Platz 13 at “L. Bertram ”, according to the address book of the city of Hanover from 1943, the seat of Ludwig Bertram's company, also known as“ Gummi-Bertram ”, which specialized in products for women who had recently given birth and for baby care.

Children's books

Behrend published various children's books

  • Sunshine. A year of a little girl's daily and church life. Telling Catholic children , 1923
  • Diaspora children. Story for the Catholic youth. , 1926
  • The little windows of God. The story of a childhood friendship , 1927
  • Guardian Angel , 1926
    • Vol. 1: What Gretel experienced in the forest
    • Vol. 2: The clever little sister
  • Aunt Hedwig and her little helpers. A story of little love works in the big city , 1934
  • The golden land. From home and childhood , 1942


  • Aiga Klotz : Children's and Young People's Literature in Germany 1840–1950. Complete directory of publications in German (= Repertories on German literary history , vol. 11), Stuttgart; Weimar: Metzler, 1990, ISBN 978-3-476-00702-5 and ISBN 3-476-00702-2

Web links

Commons : Elisabeth Behrend  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Georg H. Schlatter: Behrend, Elisabeth , in: Wilhelm Kosch : German Literature Lexicon . Biographical-bibliographical handbook , 2nd edition: The 20th Century , Vol. 2, Bern; Munich: KG Saur Verlag, 1969, ISBN 3-908255-02-3 , 2001, Sp. 171; Preview over google books.
  2. a b Compare the information in the DNB catalog.
  3. a b c Compare the information on the first edition in the catalog of the German National Library .
  4. Björn-Oliver Bönsch: 150 Years of the Hannoversche Kinderheilanstalt , in: Pediatrician . Journal of the professional association of paediatricians eV , 44th year (2013), No. 10, Lübeck: Hansisches Verlags-Kontor, p. 587f .; as a PDF document .
  5. Compare, for example, this word and image documentation .
  6. Compare the information from the DNB.
  7. Compare the information and cross-references from the DNB.
  8. Compare, for example, the reprint from Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
  9. Arbeiterwohlfahrt , 3rd year (1928), issue 3, p. 351; Digitized by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation .
  10. Compare the information in the database of the Common Union Catalog (GVK).
  11. Practical Health Care in School and Home , Vol. 2–6, p. 21; Preview over google books.
  12. Compare the information and cross-references in the DNB catalog.
  13. Compare the information from the DNB.
  14. Compare the Hanover address book from 1943, Part II, p. 2 as a digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library (GWLB).
  15. Ibid., Part I, p. 39 .