Ellinor Wohlfeil

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Ellinor Wohlfeil (born April 8, 1925 in Braunschweig ) is an author of "half-Jewish" origin who writes about her experiences from the time of National Socialism in a novel-like form.


Ellinor Wohlfeil was born in Braunschweig in 1925 as the daughter of an Aryan mother and a Jewish father. In 1932 the family moved to Bad Harzburg , where they first attended elementary school and then middle school. Her childhood and youth were overshadowed by the persecution by the National Socialists in the 30s and 40s of the last century. In 1941 she went to Berlin , where she trained as a chemical-technical assistant at a private educational establishment and worked in the armaments industry until 1945 . In the turmoil at the end of the war, it made its way to the West. In order to cross the border between the Soviet-occupied zone of Germany and the territory of the Allies, she swam through the Elbe . In the following years she took acting lessons in addition to her professional activity and successfully passed the stage entrance examination at the Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus in 1951 . However, their attempts to find engagement failed. In 1952 she married Klaus Wohlfeil. The couple had two sons. In 1965 Ellinor Wohlfeil began studying pedagogy and then worked as a primary school teacher in Düsseldorf until 1985 . After retiring, she started writing. Two short stories and two novels by her have been published, and she has also contributed to various anthologies with short texts and poems.

The author

With her work as a writer, Ellinor Wohlfeil would like to draw attention to the fact that traumatic experiences caused by political persecution can have a lifelong effect. Children who grow up in a climate of threat, discrimination , marginalization and existential fear cannot develop healthy self-esteem. That only arises on the basis of trust and security. To be rejected by society , to be torn out of the social order, creates distrust and a deep-seated feeling of insecurity. When these relationships become permanent stress, when young people experience their development from child to adult under this permanent stress, then this can affect their personality deeply. Their behavior and their view of the world will be marked by insecurity and a lack of self-esteem. As outsiders, they had no means of identification, no ideals and values ​​that they could adopt. The disregard they have experienced runs deep. Your tolerance for failure is greatly reduced. You have nothing to counter the inevitable frustrations of life. Often the result is a flight into depression . As the daughter of a Jewish father, Ellinor Wohlfeil himself had to struggle with these difficulties and also experienced how little understanding many people around them have. But it's not just past problems. Even today people are persecuted because of their nationality , religion or race . Even emigrants who feel at home neither in their new homeland nor in their country of origin have these painful experiences. Ellinor Wohlfeil would like to use her books to sensitize people to this problem.

Ellinor Wohlfeil is a member of the Free German Association of Authors FDA and of the Friends of Düsseldorf Book .


In November 2007 Ellinor Wohlfeil received the literature award of the Freundeskreis Düsseldorfer Buch eV for her literary oeuvre.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ellinor Wohlfeil. In: Kürschner's German Literature Calendar 2014/2015: Volume I: AO. Volume II: PZ. , Walter De Gruyter Incorporated, 2014, p. 1159, ISBN 978-3-11-033720-4 .