Elmar Giemulla

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Elmar Maria Giemulla (born December 21, 1950 in Gerolzhofen ) is a German lawyer and expert in aviation law . He is Honorary Professor at the Technical University of Berlin and Adjunct Professor at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach . He is admitted to the New York State Bar as Attorney at Law . In addition, he works as an expert and consultant.


Giemulla studied from 1969 to 1974 at the Universities of Bochum and Münster law . After taking the first state examination in law , he did his legal clerkship at the Duisburg Regional Court from 1974 to 1976. After passing the second legal state examination he was from 1977 to 1981 research assistant at the University of Cologne and received his doctorate there in 1979. In 1981 he became a lecturer in public law and aviation law at the University of Applied Sciences of the Federal Public Administration. In 1985 he was appointed professor at this college. He also passed the state examination in law in the United States in 1991 and was admitted to the bar in the same year as Attorney at Law (New York) and has been a member of the New York State Bar Association since 1992 . Elmar Giemulla advised the Russian government from 1992 to 1998 on the restructuring of aviation law and the aviation administration and has been involved in the establishment of an Afghan aviation administration since 2005. When EASA Giemulla has worked as a lecturer. Since 2000 he has been a lecturer in aviation law at the TU Berlin. On February 17, 2006 he also became an honorary professor at the Technical University of Berlin. In August 2006 Giemulla was elected President of the German section of the international pilots' association Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association . Since 2008 he has been Adjunct Professor of Aviation Law and Aviation Security Law at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach .

He wrote comments on laws on aviation law , for example on the aviation security act or the standard commentary on the aviation act, and has published a large number of articles and treatises on various questions of aviation law.

Giemulla lives in Berlin, where he also works as a consultant in the field of aviation law. In this role, he advised victims and survivors of plane crashes such as the Lockerbie attack , the Ramstein flight conference , the Überlingen plane collision and the Concorde crash . He is a representative of the federal government in the study group “Legal Issues” for unmanned aerial vehicles at the International Civil Aviation Organization and has observer status there for the handling of aircraft accidents.

Giemulla is married and has three children.


After the parcel bombs intercepted in Dubai and England in 2010, Giemulla pointed out that there is still no globally uniform security system for air freight .

In an expert opinion on the legality of the air traffic tax levied in Germany from 2011 onwards, Giemulla comes to the conclusion that, in the case of flights by foreign airlines and international flights by German lines, it is hardly compatible with the Chicago Agreement on international civil aviation of the member states. Giemulla opposed the Federal Ministry of Finance, which rather expected Giemulla to support his view. As a result, according to the magazine Spiegel in its April 18, 2014 edition, the expert assignment previously given by the Federal Ministry of Finance was terminated prematurely on the grounds of alleged technical weaknesses.

Giemulla is representing the relatives of the German victims of MH17 before the European Court of Human Rights against Ukraine . The right-wing populist magazine Compact quotes him with the suspicion "that the British secret service knew more and warned its own airline."

On January 10, 2020, Giemulla took the view on the radio that an accidental shooting down of flight PS752 was impossible. Iran play with open cards. On January 11, 2020, Iran assumed responsibility for the plane's accidental shooting down.

Publications (selection)

  • Elmar Giemulla, Ronald Schmid: Frankfurt Commentary on Aviation Law: Aviation Act, Aviation Regulations, Warsaw Convention and Montreal Convention, Luchterhand-Verlag, loose-leaf edition 2013
  • Elmar Giemulla: Handbook of Aviation Law, Carl Heymanns Verlag, 5th edition 2019
  • Elmar Giemulla and Heiko van Schyndel: Aviation Security Act Luchterhand Verlag 2006, ISBN 3-472-06614-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "There are regulations, but they are not really observed." - Time online , October 31, 2010.
  2. Gerald Traufetter: Unheard of expert . In: DER SPIEGEL, issue 18/2014 from April 28, p. 39 .
  3. Serious allegations against Ukrainian air traffic control. In: sueddeutsche.de. December 4, 2014, accessed August 18, 2018 .
  4. Edition 11/2014 of October 30, 2014.
  5. Bayerischer Rundfunk: Plane crash in Iran - Tehran plays "with very open cards" - Interview. Retrieved January 13, 2020 .