Emanuel Severin

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Emanuel Severin ( Russian Эмануэль Северин transcribed Emanuel Sewerin ; born December 17, jul. / 29. December  1842 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † September 5 jul. / 18th September  1907 greg. ) Was a German-born pediatric surgeon and Imperial Russian Real Council of State or Privy Councilor in Saint Petersburg.


Emanuel Severin was a distant relative of Ludwig Severin or Carl Theodor Severin , so he came from a middle-class family that began in the Essen - Bochum area in the 16th century. His father Georg Ludwig Ferdinand Severin (* 1796; † 1837) was born in Lübeck and went to Saint Petersburg as a merchant , his mother was Elisabeth Christiane Netzer (* 1803; † 1885). Both parents died in Saint Petersburg. His older brother Friedrich Arnold Severin (* 1832, † 1875) was an agronomist there .


Severin began his education from 1855 to 1859 at the Annenschule in Saint Petersburg, then attended the grammar school in Zittau and then studied chemistry and medicine at the University of Dorpat from 1862 to 1870 . He completed his studies with the academic degree Dr. med. from. In 1871 he was a volunteer , from 1872 to 1874 assistant and still in 1874 ordinator at the Oldenburg Children's Hospital . From 1874 he was the oldest ordaining surgeon at the Nikolai Children's Hospital in Saint Petersburg. In 1874 he also took over the position of school doctor at the Wiedemann Gymnasium in Saint Petersburg. In 1905 he said goodbye to his professional responsibilities.

In 1888 he became a real councilor, which according to the Russian rankings automatically placed him in the hereditary nobility - a great and rare honor for a doctor, especially as a pediatric surgeon. He later rose to the rank of privy councilor. From 1875 he was also a member of the Saint Petersburg Doctors Association.

Emanuel Severin married Karoline Auguste Hertzwich († after 1912) in Wiborg in 1874 . The marriage resulted in two sons, Georg Alexander Humbert Severin († 1944), also a real councilor, ⚭ 1905 Helene Svenske and Arnold Alexander Theodor Severin (* 1878), captain of the 2nd rank of the Imperial Navy ⚭ 1907 Valentina Tjubeava, and a daughter, Elisabeth Emilie Karoline Severin ⚭ 1901 Wilhelm von Helmersen (* 1873), Chamberlain and employee at the Ministry of the Imperial Court.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Viktor Emanuel Severin in the Erik Amburger database at the Eastern European Institute
  2. ^ A b Arnold Hasselblatt and Gustav Otto : Album academicum of the Imperial University of Dorpat. Dorpat 1889, p. 546, no.7470 (digitized version )
  3. Genealogical Handbook of the Baltic Knighthoods Part 1, 2: Livonia, Lfg. 9-15, Görlitz 1929, p. 828 (digitized version)