Emilie Tegtmeyer

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Emilie Tegtmeyer , Leopoldine Emilie Ernestine Tegtmeyer, called Emmy, (born January 5, 1827 in Hornsmühlen , Holstein; † February 16, 1903 in Bremen ) was a German writer and teacher.


Tegtmeyer was the child of the paper manufacturer Jost Georg Tegtmeyer and Ernestine Catharina Leopoldine Tegtmeyer geb. Spethmann. The paper mill had existed since 1685 and was in operation until 1865. She received private tuition in her parents' house and after confirmation was sent to her brother-in-law, Pastor Friedrich Daniel Binge in Kellinghusen , for a few years for further training . For six years she was a teacher in various families.

After that she lived in Bremen, Petristraße 5, with her aunt Anna Margaretha Iken born. Tegtmeyer (born May 9, 1794 in Hornsmühlen; † July 8, 1862 in Bremen), who since April 28, 1821 with Hermann Heinrich Arnold lken (born June 13, 1792 in Bremen; † March 29, 1872 in Bremen), author of direct taxes in the city of Bremen, was married. Margaretha was a sister of Emilie's father Jost Georg Tegtmeyer.

After the death of her aunt Margaretha, she ran the house of her widowed uncle until 1872. When he died in 1872, she and her friend Julie Rodowe, who was a teacher like her, moved into a shared apartment in Bremen, 1873 at Schillerstraße 24, 1875 to 1879 Besselstraße 74, then Fesenfeldt 21g. In 1902 she was referred to in the Bremen address book as a “writer”, previously she had stated her profession as “teacher”.


Tegtmeyer wrote historical novels. Twice (1862 and 1868) she published works about the Kaiserbrüder , but they were two different couples. In her first four-volume work, she writes about King Friedrich the Beautiful (around 1286–1330) and his cousin Emperor Ludwig the Bavarian (1287–1347). The storyline of the novel takes place in the years 1314 to 1330. Friedrich der Schöne and Ludwig der Bayer fight for possession of the imperial crown. The battle of Mühldorf (1322) brought a decision. After all, as “brothers emperor” they rule the empire together.

Tegtmeyer's later work Die Kaiserbrüder. Poetry and Truth from Recent History (1868) was about the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I and his brother Maximilian I of Mexico († 1867).

Tegtmeyer once again benefited the Austrian imperial family from her knowledge: in 1891, on behalf of Johann Georg Lohmann's wife, she designed the work Memoirs from the Life of Johann Georg Lohmann and used parts of Maximilian I's travelogue , in which he spoke about a visit to Bahia reported to the Austrian consul Lohmann.

The work The Mayor's Daughter exploited research work by lawyer Dr. A. Kühtmann on the mayor of Bremen, Statius Speckhan , which are published in the twelfth volume of the Bremen yearbook.

The work Die Blutsaat is about the murder of the Bremen reformer Heinrich von Zütphen . Emilie Tegtmeyer used information from the reformer's biography, which was written in 1886 by Pastor JF Iken.

Of Tegtmeyer's smaller writings, the volume with the stories Der Schiffer von Sylt and Eine Perle am weg is remarkable because of the description of the inhabitants of Sylt .

In the poem Der Nachtliche Ritt she describes the rescue of the Danish king Waldemar II , who was thoroughly defeated in the battle of Bornhöved in 1227 by Count Adolf von Holstein with the help of the Archbishop of Bremen and the Ditmarschen . As the legend goes, the Blessed Virgin assisted the Count in battle by holding her veil in front of the sun so that the Holsteiners fought in the shade while the sunlight blinded the Danes. The poem is based on the same legend and describes the rescue of the wounded king by his noble enemy, Count Adolf von Holstein. The count brought the wounded king to Kiel on a night ride.


  • The Emperor Brothers. Historical novel. (4 volumes) Aschenfeldt, Lübeck 1862.
  • The Emperor Brothers. Poetry and Truth from Recent History. Third part: Division I / Emperor Maximilian I or The Sacrifice of Treason, Division II / Emperor Franz Josef I. Fr. Karafiat, Brno 1868.
  • The boatman from Sylt. A pearl on the way. Two stories. Hoernum-Bild Schwarz, Hörnumn (Sylt) 1880. / Carl Schünemann Verlag, 1887.
  • Helene. Diary sheets from Russian salon life. Kröner, Stuttgart 1881–1882.
  • The mayor's daughter. A story from Bremen's past. Schünemann, Bremen 1885.
  • The blood seeds. Story from the time of the Reformation. Costenoble, Jena 1890.
  • Memories from the life of Johann Georg Lohmann . Printed as a manuscript and written on behalf of his wife with the assistance of the Bremen writer Emilie Tegtmeyer, Bremen 1891.
  • Life struggles. Narrative. Publishing house of the Christian magazine association, Berlin 1897.
  • The nocturnal ride , poem ( e-text )


  • Tegtmeyer, Emilie . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 2. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 358 ( digitized version ).
  • Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German writers and prose writers of the 19th century. Leipzig 1884 (6th edition 1913, vol. 7, p. 162: digitized version )
  • Edith Laudowicz : Tegtmeyer, Leopoldine Ernestine (Emmy) . In: Women's history (s) , Bremer Frauenmuseum (ed.). Edition Falkenberg, Bremen 2016, ISBN 978-3-95494-095-0 .
  • H. Seedorf in: Künstlerverein in Bremen, historical society of the Künstlerverein (Hrsg.): Bremische Biographie of the nineteenth century . Gustav Winter, Bremen 1912, pp. 486–488.
  • Rudolf Eckart : Lexicon of Lower Saxony writers from the oldest times to the present. Zickfeldt, Osterwieck 1891, p. 165 ( digitized version )
  • Elisabeth Friedrichs: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries. A lexicon. Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-476-00456-2 , p. 308.
  • Wilhelm Kosch: German Literature Lexicon . Biographical-bibliographical manual. (founded by Wilhelm Kosch, continued by Carl Ludwig Lang) 3rd edition, Volume 22 (Tecklenburg-Tilisch), KG Saur, Zurich / Munich 2002, page 11.

Individual evidence

  1. Excerpt from the baptismal register of the Schlamersdorf parish, year 1827, no. 15. Church registry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church District Segeberg
  2. Paper mills in Germany. Retrieved August 27, 2011 .
  3. German Literature Lexicon. Biographical-bibliographical manual. (founded by Wilhelm Kosch, continued by Carl Ludwig Lang) 3rd edition, Volume 32 (Tecklenburg - Tilisch), KG Saur, Zurich / Munich 2002, page 11.
  4. ^ Address book for the free Hanseatic city of Bremen and the port cities of Bremerhaven and Vegesack. Heinrich Strack Publishing House, Bremen 1862.
  5. ^ Address book of the free Hanseatic city of Bremen and the port cities of Vegesack, Bremerhaven, Geestemünde, 1873. Verlag Heinrich Strack, Bremen 1873.
  6. ^ Leaves for literary entertainment, 1862, No. 45, pp. 828f. (Wilhelm Andreä); here 828. Retrieved August 27, 2011 .
  7. From my life: travel sketches, aphorisms, poems, volumes 5–6 by Maximilian (Emperor of Mexico). Retrieved August 27, 2011 .
  8. H. Seedorf in: Künstlerverein in Bremen, Historical Society of the Künstlerverein (ed.): Bremische Biographie des Nineteenth Century. Gustav Winter, Bremen 1912, page 487.
  9. Bremisches Jahrbuch, Volume 12, table of contents. Retrieved August 27, 2011 .
  10. Büttner in: Künstlerverein in Bremen, Historical Society of the Künstlerverein (ed.): Bremische Biographie des Nineteenth Century. Gustav Winter, Bremen 1912, pages 236-237.
  11. ^ JF Iken: Heinrich von Zütphen. Halle an der Saale 1886.