Enrico Panzacchi

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Enrico Panzacchi

Enrico Panzacchi (born December 16, 1840 in Ozzano dell'Emilia , Bologna , † October 5, 1904 in Bologna) was an Italian poet , art critic and politician.

life and work

Enrico Panzacchi received secondary education at the seminary in Bologna under the later Cardinal Francesco Battaglini , he studied in Bologna first jurisprudence , then moved to Pisa to at Pasquale Villari philosophy and Alessandro D'Ancona philology to study and in 1865 with the laurea complete . In 1866 he was appointed professor of history at the Liceo (grammar school) of Sassari , named after Domenico Alberto Azuni in 1865 . In 1867 he was transferred to Potenza , but after a few months he received the professorship of philosophy at the Liceo Luigi Galvani . Panzacchi founded the Rivista bolognese di scienze, lettere, arti e scuole , in the first volume of which a contribution by Giosuè Carducci appeared. In 1872 he was appointed professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and a few years later became its director. Since 1895 he was a full professor of aesthetics and art history at the university .

Panzacchi was highly valued in Italy as a poet and art connoisseur and, as a poet, was compared by some to François Coppée . He also achieved fame as a speaker. A close friendship connected him with Giosuè Carducci , who also influenced his poetry. In Panzacchi's poems you can find a tender, sensual atmosphere, beautiful descriptions of nature and sometimes the real folk tone, but especially a musical feeling. In his stories he likes to portray the bright side of existence and thus forms a contrast to the naturalists . He also wrote prose in an elegant, musically flowing style. He wrote u. a. the following works:

  • Lyrica. Romance e Canzoni , Bologna 1877; 3rd edition 1882
  • Racconti e liriche , 1882
  • Racconti incredibili e credibili , Rome 1885
  • Nuove liriche , Milan 1888
  • I miei racconti , short stories, Milan 1889; 6th increased edition 1900
  • Rime novelle , Bologna 1898
  • Cor sincerum. Nuove liriche , Milan 1902

His numerous essays and reviews published in magazines were partly collected under the following titles:

  • Teste quadre , Bologna 1881
  • Critica spicciola: a mezza macchia , Rome 1886
  • Nel mondo della musica: impressioni e ricordi , Florence 1895
  • Saggi critici , Essays, 1896
  • Nel campo dell'arte , Bologna 1897
  • Morti e viventi , Catania 1898
  • Conferenze i discorsi , 1898

Panzacchi was also interested in music and, as an ardent Wagnerian, wrote a work about this famous composer, which was published in Bologna in 1883 under the title Richard Wagner , ricordi e studi . With his comedy Villa Giulia he achieved only one respectable success. His prose was written in 1913 by Giuseppe Lipparini , a complete edition of his poems was published in 1908 with a foreword by Giovanni Pascoli .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biblioteca Salaborsa