Enrique Jardiel Poncela

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Enrique Jardiel Poncela (born October 15, 1901 in Madrid , † February 18, 1952 there ) was a Spanish playwright , novelist and journalist.


Enrique Jardiel Poncela was born in Madrid as the son of the journalist Enrique Jardiel Agustín and the painter Marcelina Poncela Hontoria. From 1905 he went to school at the Institución Libre de Enseñanza , in 1908 he was enrolled at the French Lyceum of the Sociedad Francesa. As a child, he often accompanied his father to the parliamentary press box. In 1912 he changed school again, to the Colegio de los Padres Escolapios de San Antonio Abad, where he graduated from high school.

From 1919 he published articles and stories in various newspapers and magazines such as La Nueva Humanidad , La Correspondencia de España , Los Lunes de El Imparcial and became a member of the editorial board of La Acción in 1921 , and a year later at La Correspondencia de España . In 1922 he began to work in the humorous magazine Buen Humor .

In 1923 he published two short stories: El hombre a quien amó Alejandra and El infierno . On May 28, 1927, his first comedy Una noche de primavera sin sueño was premiered at the Teatro Lara in Madrid. He achieved great success with novels such as Amor se escribe sin hache (1929), Espérame en Siberia, vida mía (1929), Pero ... ¿hubo alguna vez once mil vírgenes? (1930) or La tournée de Dios (1932).

In 1932 his comedy Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal premiered in Valencia . Jardiel Poncela traveled to Hollywood to work on the dubbing of various Spanish films for Fox ; until March 1933 he stayed in the USA . He then went to Madrid for the premiere of his piece Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal . There he wrote the screenplay for the film Se ha fugado un preso (director: Benito Perojo). In September 1933 he traveled to Paris , also at the invitation of Fox .

When the Spanish Civil War broke out in 1936, Jardiel Poncela was arrested on the basis of an anonymous complaint, but released a few days later. In 1937 he left Spain and went first to France and later to Argentina , where he worked for film and radio. In 1938 he returned to Spain, where he lived in San Sebastián until the end of the war . He then moved back to Madrid, where his operetta Carlo Monte en Monte Carlo , with music by Jacinto Guerrero , was premiered; his creative output was at its peak in the early 1940s , and he has performed a wide variety of plays; some of them have also been filmed.

In 1944 he made a tour of Latin America , but where he was hit by failures. In 1946 he received the Spanish Premio Nacional de Teatro from the Consejo Superior de Teatro, but his health was already bad (he suffered from throat cancer). After that he was only able to write a few theater pieces and switched to publishing newspaper articles. He died in Madrid on February 18, 1952, at the age of 51.


Enrique Jardiel Poncela is considered "the great comedian of the 27 generation" in Spain. His achievement consists primarily in the scenic renewal, in his free conception of the stage space. He moves away from the realism and naturalism of the 19th century and elevates fantasy above the principle of probability; his aesthetic ultimately leads to the theater of the absurd . This was not properly understood by the audience at the time, so they often had to rewrite the outcome of the drama. In terms of subject matter he is rather limited: his pieces are mainly love dramas, but behind them there is often a parody of literary genres and films. He looks for the unusual, the unprecedented, the paradox. His forewords to the dramas are also important; in it his playful, magical, irrealistic attitude is well expressed. In his opinion, literature does not have to deal with the real, but rather to go to its limits. The stage realization of his pieces requires an elaborate apparatus, as they contain many tricks and surprises. Together with Miguel Mihura he is to be regarded as the creator of a new comic drama in Spain.


  • Una noche de primavera sin sueño 1927
  • Margarita, Armando y su padre 1931
  • El cadáver del señor García 1930
  • Usted tiene ojos de mujer fatal 1933
  • Angelina, o el honor de un brigadier 1934
  • Un adulterio decente 1935
  • Cuatro corazones con freno y marcha atrás 1936
  • Eloísa está debajo de un almendro 1940
  • El amor sólo dura 2,000 metros 1941
  • Los ladrones somos gente honrada 1941
  • Madre (el drama padre) 1942
  • Blanca por fuera y Rosa por dentro 1943
  • Tú y yo somos tres 1945
  • Agua, aceite y gasolina 1946
  • Como mejor están las rubias es con patatas 1947
  • Los tigres escondidos en la alcoba 1949
  • Los habitantes de la casa deshabitada

Novels and short stories

  • El hombre a quien amó Alejandra 1923
  • El infierno 1924
  • Amor se escribe sin hache 1928
  • Espérame en Siberia, vida mía
  • Pero ... ¿hubo alguna vez once mil vírgenes? 1931
  • La tournée de Dios 1932


  • Ariza Viguera, M., Enrique Jardiel Poncela en la literatura humorística española , Fragua, 1973 ( ISBN 84-7074-012-1 ).
  • Conde Guerri, María José et al., El teatro de Enrique Jardiel Poncela , Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Zaragoza, Aragón y Rioja, 1985 ( ISBN 84-505-1279-4 ).
  • Conde Guerri, María José, El teatro de Enrique Jardiel Poncela: aproximación crítica , Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, 1981 ( ISBN 84-00-04765-6 ).
  • Congreso de Literatura Española Contemporánea (junio de 1992, Málaga), Jardiel Poncela: teatro, vanguardia y humor , actas del Sexto Congreso de Literatura Española Contemporánea, Universidad de Málaga, 10 al 13 de noviembre de 1992 ( ISBN 84-7658-414- 8 ).
  • Escudero, Carmen, Nueva aproximación a la dramaturgia de Jardiel Poncela , Universidad de Murcia, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1981 ( ISBN 84-600-2383-4 ).
  • Fernán-Gómez, Fernando, El tiempo amarillo. Memorias 1943-1987 , Debate, Madrid, 1990, t. II.
  • Florez Diez, Rafael, Jardiel Poncela Ediciones y Publicaciones Españolas, 1969 ( ISBN 84-7067-100-6 ).
  • François, Cécile, Personaje femenino e intertextualidad paródica en la trilogía novelesca de Enrique Jardiel Poncela , Visor Libros, 2016 ( ISBN 978-84-9895-185-1 ).
  • François, Cécile, Enrique Jardiel Poncela et la rénovation de l'écriture romanesque à la fin des années 20 , ANRT, 2005 ( ISBN 2-284-04797-1 ).
  • Gallud Jardiel, Enrique, Enrique Jardiel Poncela: la ajetreada vida de un maestro del humor Espasa-Calpe, 2001 ( ISBN 84-239-3897-2 ).
  • Jardiel Poncela, Evangelina, Enrique Jardiel Poncela, mi padre , Biblioteca Nueva, 1999 ( ISBN 84-7030-718-5 ).
  • Nemencia Legás, María, Margarita Ramírez de Arellano Apellániz y Susana, Eloísa está debajo de un almendro, de Enrique Jardiel Poncela , Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma), Servicio de Documentación y Publicaciones, 2004 ( ISBN 84-451-2623-7 ).
  • Sánchez Castro, Marta: El humor en los autores de la "otra generación del 27": Análisis lingüístico-contrastivo - Jardiel Poncela, Mihura, López Rubio y Neville . Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2007. ISBN 978-3-631-56395-3
  • Valls, Fernando, y Roas Deus, David, Enrique Jardiel Poncela , Eneida, 2002 ( ISBN 84-95427-11-7 ).
  • Ventín Pereira, José Augusto, Los juglares radiofónicos del siglo XX: Jardiel Poncela , Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Instituto Universitario de la Comunicación Radiofónica, 1998 ( ISBN 84-600-9472-3 ).
  • Vida y obra de Enrique Jardiel Poncela Siglo Ilustrado, 1970 ( ISBN 84-7253-033-7 ).

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