Strawberry raspberry

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Strawberry raspberry
Strawberry raspberry (Rubus unbekanntcebrosus)

Strawberry raspberry ( Rubus unbekanntcebrosus )

Eurosiden I
Order : Rose-like (rosales)
Family : Rose family (Rosaceae)
Subfamily : Rosoideae
Genre : Rubus
Type : Strawberry raspberry
Scientific name
Rubus Ilsebrosus

The strawberry raspberry ( Rubus unbekanntcebrosus ), also called Japanese raspberry , is a species of the genus Rubus . It is not identical to the Japanese grapeberry ( Rubus phoenicolasius ).


The strawberry-raspberry is a perennial herbaceous plant or a subshrub , its rhizomes are long and form subterranean creeping runners . The individual rods are 20 to 40 centimeters long, upright and prickly. The leaves are pinnate.

The flowering period extends from July to September. The flowers stand together in a terminal, umbellate inflorescence . The hermaphrodite, radially symmetrical flowers have a diameter of around 4 centimeters. The petals are white.

The fruits are approximately round to broadly elliptical and have a striking glow, but they have a bland taste.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 14.


The strawberry raspberry is native to Japan , where it grows in thickets and on wasteland.


The strawberry-raspberry is occasionally used as an ornamental plant , mainly because it accepts different locations as long as they are not too shady. However, it can spread through its runners and become annoying.


  • Simon, Jelitto, Schacht: Die Freiland - Schmuckstauden , Vol. 2, S. 800, Ulmer, 2002, ISBN 3-800163-78-0

Individual evidence

  1. Rubus unbekanntcebrosus at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis

Web links

Commons : Strawberry-Raspberry ( Rubus unbekanntcebrosus )  - album with pictures, videos and audio files