Do you remember Dolly Bell?

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German title Do you remember Dolly Bell?
Original title Sjećaš li se Dolly Bell?
Country of production Yugoslavia
original language Serbo-Croatian
Publishing year 1981
length 108 minutes
Director Emir Kusturica
script Abdulah Sidran
Emir Kusturica based
on a novel by the former
music Zoran Simjanović
camera Vilko Filač
cut Senija Ticić

Do you remember Dolly Bell? ( Sjećaš li se Dolly Bell? ) Is a Yugoslavian feature film by Emir Kusturica from 1981. After a few short films and two television works, it is the director's first feature film and won the 1981 Venice Film Festival the prize for the best first work a. The story is set in 1963 in a suburb of Sarajevo . A 16-year-old is seized by western pop culture, a father he cannot take seriously for the time being, attempts by communist party cadres to use youth culture for their own purposes, his infatuation with the wrong woman and erotic adventures. He vacillates between a bleak present and a promising future. The director caricatures the utopian promises of communism and demonstrates how little they work. The name Dolly Bell comes from a dancer from the Italian film The Biggest Show of the Night (1959), which adolescent boys are allowed to watch in the neighborhood center.

Voices of criticism

In the Revue de cinéma , Marcel Martin described Dolly Bell as one of those films in which the cinema sees itself in the mirror of the eyes of its followers: “This is what transforms this neorealist chronicle into poetry that escapes sentimental foolishness as well as naturalistic complacency . “With a remarkable instinct for the observation of details, penetrating and respectful when approaching the characters, Kusturica narrates with both scornful and tender humor and demonstrates a deeply original talent. On the other hand, Jean A. Gili was of the positive opinion that Dolly Bell did not stand out from the films produced in Yugoslavia for originality. But in its best moments, the film conveys the insecurity of a society between a constrained political structure and a flare-up of irrationality. The Cahiers du cinéma did not discuss the film.

Made in the Federal Republic of Germany Do you remember Dolly Bell? not in the cinemas, it was only broadcast by ZDF in 1995. The Fischer Film Almanach then reviewed the work and called it a “great debut”, with which Kusturica sensitively observed the protagonist's transition from the childish to the adult world. It already contains the typical Kusturica motifs and to some extent the use of pop music to structure the narrative.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Marcel Martin: Te souviens-tu de Dolly Bell . In: Revue de cinéma , April 1983, pp. 24-25
  2. ^ Jean A. Gili: Te souviens-tu de Dolly Bell . In: Positif , May 1983, pp. 75-76
  3. Fischer Film Almanach 1996: Do you remember Dolly Bell? Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1996, ISBN 3-596-13195-2 , p. 105