Ernest Engelen

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Ernest Victor Louis Eugene Engelen (born March 20, 1909 in Antwerp ; † May 5, 1998 in Ostend ) was a Belgian lieutenant general who was most recently Inspector General of the Army from 1966 to 1970 .


Ernest Engelen completed an officer training and after completing it found numerous jobs as an officer and staff officer within the army . In 1961 he became director of studies at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels , whose commander he became in 1964 as the successor to Major General Emile Velghe . At the same time he was made honorary wing adjutant to King Baudouin in 1964 and held this position until 1970. In 1966 he was replaced as commander of the Royal Military Academy by Major General Léon Alen . Most recently, Lieutenant General Engelen was Inspector General of the Army in 1966 and remained in this position until he was retired in 1970.

Engelen was honored several times for his longstanding services and was among other things Grand Officer of the Order of Leopold and the Order of the Crown . He was also awarded the Officer's Cross of the Order of Leopold II , the 1940 War Cross with Palm , the Commemorative Medal for the 1940-1945 War with Crossed Swords, the Medal for Participants in the 1940-1945 War and the First Class Military Cross. He was also Knight Commander of the British Royal Victorian Order , the Dutch Order of Orange-Nassau , the Order of Merit of Tunisia and the Order of Saint Olav, and also received the Officer's Cross of the National Order of Rwanda.

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Individual evidence

  1. Royal Military Academy: Commanders
  2. ^ Honorary Knights and Dames at Leigh Rayment's Peeage