Ernesto Schiaparelli

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Ernesto Schiaparelli.

Ernesto Schiaparelli (born July 12, 1856 in Occhieppo Inferiore in today's province of Biella (then Novara), Piedmont region , †  February 14, 1928 in Turin ) was an Italian Egyptologist .


Schiaparelli comes from a well-known family of scholars. His father Luigi Schiaparelli taught history at the University of Turin. In addition, important chemists, orientalists, astronomers and photographers can be found in his relatives. Ernesto studied Egyptology in Turin with Francesco Rossi and in Paris at the Sorbonne with Gaston Maspero .

Schiaparelli was director of the Egyptian Museum in Florence from 1881 to 1894 , where he had the exhibits moved to new rooms. At the height of his scientific career, he was appointed director of the Museo Egizio in Turin in 1894 , which was temporarily the second largest museum in the world dedicated to Egypt due to the brisk excavation activities. He also wrote several well-known manuals at the time. From 1910 on, Schiaparelli held the chair for Egyptology at the University of Turin . Between 1903 and 1920 he undertook twelve expeditions to Egypt and opened tombs there, including one in Heliopolis . In 1904 he found the tomb of Nefertari ( QV66 ) in the Valley of the Queens and excavated the tomb TT8 of the architect Cha and his wife Merit two years later. The remains were later exhibited in the Museo Egizio in Turin .

As a guest of the Italian Franciscans in Luxor in 1884 he got to know the financial needs that hindered any charitable work of the missionaries. After his return, he set up an aid organization, which took place in 1886. Until his death he held the office of secretary of the Associazione Nazionale per Soccorrere i Missionari Italiani (ANSMI) (National Association for the Assistance of Italian Missionaries), of which Augusto Conte was the first chairman . The main task was to build and maintain schools and hospitals in northern Africa.

In 1897 he became a corresponding member of the Accademia dei Lincei , in 1912 socio nazionale . He had been a member of the Accademia delle scienze in Turin since 1910. In 1924 he was appointed Senator of the Kingdom. He was the bearer of the Order of the Crown of Italy (Knight and Commander ) and the Order of Knights of St. Mauritius and Lazarus (knight and officer).

Publications (selection)

  • Del sentimento religioso degli antichi Egiziani secondo i monumenti , Bocca, 1877
  • Il libro dei funerali relazione fatta alla I sezione del IV congresso degli orientalisti, GB Paravia, 1879.
  • Del sentimento religioso degli Egiziani (1877)
  • Il Libro del Funerali degli antichi Egiziani , 3 vols. (1881-1890)
  • Museo archeologico di Firenze, Antichità egizie . ordinate e descritte da Ernesto Schiaparelli, Tip. della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 1887.
  • Les hypogées royaux de Thèbes . E. Leroux, 1889.
  • La catena orientale dell'Egitto . Tip. della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 1890.
  • Una tomba egiziana inedita della VIa dinastia , con iscrizioni storiche e geografiche, Tip. della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 1892.
  • Le antichità egiziane del Museo di Cortona . Tip. della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 1893.
  • La geografia dell'Africa orientale, secondo le indicazioni dei monumenti egiziani . Tip. della R. Accademia dei Lincei, 1916.
  • Relazione sui lavori della Missione Archeologica Italiana in Egitto . anni 1903–1920, Éditeur inconnu, 1924
  • THE INTACT TOMB OF THE ARCHITECT KHA IN THE NECROPOLIS OF THEBES . Language: English. New edition 2008. ISBN 978-88-89082-09-6 .

Individual evidence

  1. Location in the museum (Italian) ( Memento from February 7, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Information from the Turin Museum about Merit's death mask (Italian) ( Memento from August 2, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Historical archive of the Italian Senate: short biography and obituary. Retrieved July 18, 2010 (Italian).

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